3 citations
related to Quiccheberg, Samuel
3 citations
related to Quiccheberg, Samuel as a subject or category
Birth and Death Dates 1529-1567
Smith, Pamela H.
Collecting Nature and Art: Artisans and Knowledge in the Kunstkammer.
In: Engaging with Nature: Essays on the Natural World in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
(p. 115).
Hauger, Harriet
Samuel Quiccheberg: “Inscriptiones vel tituli Theatri Amplissimi”: Über die Entstehung der Museen und das Sammeln.
In: Universität und Bildung: Festschrift Laetitia Boehm ...
(p. 129).
Schulz, Eva
Notes on the history of collecting and of museums in the light of selected literature of the 16th to the 18th century.
Journal of the History of Collections
(pp. 205-218).
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