Person ID: CBA000041565

Haeckel, Ernst

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Birth and Death Dates 1834-1919

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Book Ernst Haeckel; Valeria Maggiore (2024)
Storia della creazione naturale. Conferenze scientifico-popolari sulla teoria dell’evoluzione in generale e su quella di Darwin, Goethe e Lamarck in particolare. (/isis/citation/CBB568386188/) unapi

Article John Christopher Vivian (2023)
“eine Propaganda der Liebe und des Lichtes…”: On the Reception of Haeckel’s Popularization of Science in California around 1900 : The San Francisco ‘Bohemians’ as Haeckel’s American Disciples. Acta Historica Leopoldina (pp. 53-99). (/isis/citation/CBB052952300/) unapi

Article Christoffer Leber (2023)
Walter Ulbricht in der Villa Medusa: Zur ambivalenten Rezeption des Monismus in der DDR (Walter Ulbricht in the Villa Medusa: On the ambivalent reception of monism in the GDR). Acta Historica Leopoldina (pp. 127-147). (/isis/citation/CBB154663471/) unapi

Article Hauke Heidenreich (2023)
Protestantischer Atheismus?: Ernst Haeckels Monismus zwischen Wissenschaft und Machtpolitik (Protestant atheism?: Ernst Haeckel's monism between science and power politics). Acta Historica Leopoldina (pp. 11-31). (/isis/citation/CBB539370665/) unapi

Article Elizabeth Marie Watts (2023)
Lessons Learned beyond the Controversy: How an Examination of Ernst Haeckel’s Work Can Be Applied to Modern Science Education and Communication Practice. Acta Historica Leopoldina (pp. 149-164). (/isis/citation/CBB940229614/) unapi

Article Heiner Stahl (2023)
Ernst Haeckel – Medienstar: Popularisierungen von (Natur-)Wissenschaft in den Massenmedien Buch und Zeitschrift zwischen 1891 und 1910 (Ernst Haeckel - media star: Popularisations of (natural) science in the mass media book and magazine between 1891 and 1910). Acta Historica Leopoldina (pp. 33-51). (/isis/citation/CBB243240718/) unapi

Article Paul Weindling (2023)
Social Darwinism as Disputed Legacy: Divergences over Ernst Haeckel under National Socialism. Acta Historica Leopoldina (pp. 101-125). (/isis/citation/CBB141432928/) unapi

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The Protoplasmic Imagination: Ernst Haeckel and H. P. Lovecraft. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (pp. 47-76). (/isis/citation/CBB014637340/) unapi

Article Karl Porges; Uwe Hoßfeld; Frank-Roland Fließ (2022)
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Article Ulrich Kattmann (2022)
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The First Brazilian Thesis of Evolution: Haeckel's Recapitulation Theory and Its Relations with the Idea of Progress. Journal of the History of Biology (pp. 447-481). (/isis/citation/CBB694574190/) unapi

Article Maurizio Esposito (2020)
Beyond Haeckel’s Law: Walter Garstang and the Evolutionary Biology that Might Have Been. Journal of the History of Biology (pp. 249-268). (/isis/citation/CBB981325352/) unapi

Article Stefan Forrester (2020)
Ernst Haeckel’s ‘Kant Problem’: metaphysics, science, and art. Biology and Philosophy (p. 27). (/isis/citation/CBB068647714/) unapi

Article Stefan Wogawa (2020)
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Book Roman Göbel; Gerhard Müller; Claudia Taszus (2019)
Ernst Haeckel: Ausgewählte Briefwechsel, Band 2: Familienkorrespondenz, August 1854 bis März 1857 [Selected Correspondence, Volume 2: Family Correspondence, Augst 1854 to March 1857]. (/isis/citation/CBB349269740/) unapi

Book Charlotte Sleigh (2017)
The Paper Zoo: 500 Years of Animals in Art. (/isis/citation/CBB321065086/) unapi

Book Olivier Rieppel (2016)
Phylogenetic Systematics: Haeckel to Hennig. (/isis/citation/CBB493718975/) unapi

Article Henning Hufnagel; Robert Matthias Erdbeer; Fank Jäger; et al. (2016)
Die „Erhaltung der Fühlung“. Haeckels Seelenzellen und der Stil der Esoterischen Moderne. Lendemains (pp. 100-123). (/isis/citation/CBB669479780/) unapi

Article Nicolas Wanlin; Henning Hufnagel; Frank Jäger (2016)
Die Poetik Haeckels. Lendemains (pp. 83-99). (/isis/citation/CBB728382984/) unapi

Article Henning Hufnagel; Frank Jäger; Nicolas Wanlin (2016)
Ernst Haeckel – ein kreativer Denker am Schnittpunkt der Disziplinen. Lendemains (pp. 6-11). (/isis/citation/CBB772384377/) unapi


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