Roberto Evangelista (Author)
"Operating rite and dying rite. Folklore and psychopathology in Ernesto De Martino’s Basilicata." This essay deals with the work of Ernesto De Martino (focusing on the essays Morte e pianto rituale and La terra del rimorso) in order to investigate the persistence of archaic rituality in contemporary civilization. In particular, a difference emerges between the rites that remain useful to overcome some critical situations, and those which result worthless, since they are deprived of their ancient contents. By these accounts, culture emerges as a “space” in which the internal conflict in society is reproduced, by questioning the researcher and the anthropologist about the nature of folklore and the urgency for society to evolve toward greater equity and social justice.
Paolo Pecere;
Il tarantismo e i paralleli etnologici: note su La Terra del rimorso e la ricerca sulla possessione rituale oggi
Francesco Remotti;
De Martino e l'Antropocene: la fine di un mondo
Werner, Sylwia;
Wissenschaft und Magie
Geertz, Clifford;
“To Exist Is to Have Confidence in One's Way of Being”: Rituals as Model Systems
Rosanna Dent;
Stolen Masks
Franca C. Papparella;
La storia della medicina attraverso la lettura degli ex voto anatomorfi
Doja, Albert;
From the Native Point of View: An Insider/Outsider Perspective on Folkloric Archaism and Modern Anthropology in Albania
Debaene, Vincent;
L'Adieu au voyage L'ethnologie française entre science et littérature
Schumaker, Lyn;
Africanizing Anthropology: Fieldwork, Networks, and the Making of Cultural Knowledge in Central Africa
Claude Blanckaert;
Yves Coppens;
Le Musée de l'Homme : Histoire d'un musée laboratoire
Adam Kuper;
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The British School in the Twentieth Century
Handler, Richard;
Significant Others: Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology
Henare, Amiria J. M.;
Museums, Anthropology and Imperial Exchange
Batty, Philip;
The Tywerrenge as an Artefact of Rule: The (Post) Colonial Life of a Secret/Sacred Aboriginal Object
Whitney E. Laemmli;
The Living Record: Alan Lomax and the World Archive of Movement
Bennett, Tony;
Dibley, Ben;
Harrison, Rodney;
Introduction: Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmentalities
Nadia Breda;
La domesticazione senza bonifica: una lettura antropologica di una zona umida tra Veneto e Lombardia
Jason A. Josephson-Storm;
The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences
Mees, Bernard;
The Science of the Swastika
Marissa Helene Petrou;
Disciplines of Collection: Founding the Dresden Museum for Zoology, Anthropology and Ethnology in Imperial Germany
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