Luzzini, Francesco (Author)
Italian translation of F. Luzzini, "Bibliographical Distortions, Distortive Habits: Contextualizing Italian Publications in the History of Science" (Isis, Vol. 109, n. S1, 2019, pp. 3-13). In Italy, many works devoted to the history of science are published traditionally in philosophy journals. Also, a surprisingly large amount of brilliant, rigorous, and innovative research comes from publications that are deemed marginal—or are not considered at all—by the milieu of Italian academia. This article explains the historical reasons for the strong philosophical orientation that still characterizes Italian scholarship in the history of science, and discusses how the overlapping of several factors (the different scholarly traditions, the reform of the academic recruitment system launched in 2010, the obsessive use of metrics in research evaluation, the imposition of rigid disciplinary boundaries, and rampant clientelism and nepotism) has caused severe distortions in the way scholarly works are produced and valued in Italian academia.
...MoreArticle Francesco Luzzini (2018) Bibliographical Distortions, Distortive Habits: Contextualizing Italian Publications in the History of Science. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 1-13).
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Bibliographical Distortions, Distortive Habits: Contextualizing Italian Publications in the History of Science
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