Haffner, Emmylou (Author)
In 1876 Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte Werke, with a selection of unpublished manuscripts from his Nachlass are, are published. This edition is the result of several years of protracted work from the two editors, Richard Dedekind and Heinrich Weber. Indeed, Dedekind and Weber’s editorial work involved the tedious process of deciphering, clearing up and reconstructing Riemann’s manuscripts. In this paper, using the editors' correspondence and elements of both Riemann's and Dedekind's Nachlasse, I analyse the philological and mathematical practices involved in their editorial work. In particular, I consider how the path from some of Riemann's original manuscripts to their published version involved considerable efforts from the editors in order to understand, polish, and (sometimes) correct the texts. [English translation of title by DeepL.com: Rereading and rewriting of B. Riemann's texts in their editions by R. Dedekind and H. Weber]
...MoreArticle Vincent Jullien; Carmen Martínez-Adame (2023) Foreward. Almagest (pp. 6-14).
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