Coeckelbergh, Mark (Author)
Artificial intelligence powers Google's search engine, enables Facebook to target advertising, and allows Alexa and Siri to do their jobs. AI is also behind self-driving cars, predictive policing, and autonomous weapons that can kill without human intervention. These and other AI applications raise complex ethical issues that are the subject of ongoing debate. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers an accessible synthesis of these issues. Written by a philosopher of technology, AI Ethics goes beyond the usual hype and nightmare scenarios to address concrete questions. Mark Coeckelbergh describes influential AI narratives, ranging from Frankenstein's monster to transhumanism and the technological singularity. He surveys relevant philosophical discussions: questions about the fundamental differences between humans and machines and debates over the moral status of AI. He explains the technology of AI, describing different approaches and focusing on machine learning and data science. He offers an overview of important ethical issues, including privacy concerns, responsibility and the delegation of decision making, transparency, and bias as it arises at all stages of data science processes. He also considers the future of work in an AI economy. Finally, he analyzes a range of policy proposals and discusses challenges for policymakers. He argues for ethical practices that embed values in design, translate democratic values into practices and include a vision of the good life and the good society.
John Zerilli;
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence
Ethem Alpaydın;
Machine Learning
Peter M. Asaro;
(June 2019)
AI Ethics in Predictive Policing: From Models of Threat to an Ethics of Care
Roberto Pieraccini;
AI Assistants
Cristiano Castelfranchi;
For a Science-oriented, Socially Responsible, and Self-aware AI: beyond Ethical Issues
Rino Falcone;
Cognizione e Sistemi Intelligenti: il ruolo della Fiducia
Alexandra Luccioni;
Yoshua Bengio;
(March 2020)
On the Morality of Artificial Intelligence [Commentary]
Laura Leondina Campanozzi;
Eugenio Guglielmelli;
Eleonora Cella;
Giampaolo Ghilardi;
Mirta Michilli;
Alfonso Molina;
Massimo Ciccozzi;
Vittoadolfo Tambone;
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey
Max Tegmark;
Life 3.0 – Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Katina Michael;
Diana Bowman;
Meg Leta Jones;
Ramona Pringle;
(March 2018)
Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications [Guest Editorial]
Ben Kenwright;
(December 2018)
Virtual Reality: Ethical Challenges and Dangers
Peter Andras;
Lukas Esterle;
Michael Guckert;
The Anh Han;
Peter R. Lewis;
Kristina Milanovic;
Terry Payne;
Cedric Perret;
Jeremy Pitt;
Simon T. Powers;
Neil Urquhart;
Simon Wells;
(December 2018)
Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems
Thomas B. Kane;
(March 2019)
Artificial Intelligence in Politics: Establishing Ethics
Ashley Shew;
(March 2020)
Ableism, Technoableism, and Future AI
Lav R. Varshney;
(March 2019)
Must Surprise Trump Information?
Rachel Adams;
Can artificial intelligence be decolonized?
Brook Manville;
Josiah Ober;
(March 2019)
In Search of Democracy 4.0: Is Democracy as We Know It Destined to Die?
Jeremy Pitt;
Katina Michael;
Terri Bookman;
(September 2019)
ISTAS 2018: Technology, Ethics, and Policy [Special Issue Introduction]
Tom Kane;
Nick Novelli;
(March 2019)
Technology for Governance, Politics, and Democracy [Special Issue Introduction]
Marco Maggesi;
Una introduzione visiva al Machine Learning e al Deep Learning
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