Article ID: CBB987649552

Men and Infertility in Late Medieval English Medicine (2016)


The history of male reproductive disorders in the Middle Ages has been comparatively neglected compared to the history of women’s medicine. This article explores the ways the subject was discussed in a sample of widely circulated medieval Latin medical texts and examines how this information was adapted in English translations and recipe collections aimed at a wider audience which included medical practitioners. It argues that the possibility of male infertility was often recognised in learned medicine and that the forms of male infertility discussed went beyond sexual dysfunction and were presented as more closely equivalent to female infertility. However, male reproductive disorders were not so prominent in less academic texts aimed at medical practitioners. These works did acknowledge the possibility of male infertility and their readers may have employed remedies for this in practice, but a greater emphasis was placed on women, a situation which may reflect wider social attitudes.

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Authors & Contributors
Evans, Jennifer
Oren-Magidor, Daphna
Dyck, Erika
Evans, C. J.
Filippini, Nadia Maria
Flemming, Rebecca
Social History of Medicine
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Cambridge University Press
Berghahn Books
Oxford University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Royal Historical Society, Boydell Press
Reproductive medicine
Women and health
Medicine and gender
Time Periods
Early modern
17th century
16th century
18th century
Great Britain
Berlin (Germany)

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