Book ID: CBB985581785

Untitled review (2022-09-13)


Anna Escardó (Author)
Voss, Julia (Editor)

Publication date: 2022-09-13
Language: EnglishFrenchGerman

Publication Date: 2022-09-13
Physical Details: 436 pages

Science and illustration have always walked hand in hand, and not only the scientific community but the general public as well have used images since early history to understand natural phenomena. Moreover, from Galileo to Einstein, our modern history has been written with the key support of art and with all the insights it contributes. This XL-sized book collects more than 300 graphic works that range from original sketches to technical drawings, and from meticulous hand illustrations to computer-generated images. Explore here the work of more than 700 scientists and over 300 discoveries in anatomy, physics, chemistry, astronomy, mechanics, and many other scientific fields, through the visual works that bring them to life. Combined with detailed texts explaining their scientific significance, the illustrations in this book introduce the work of such pionieering scientists as Andreas Vesalius, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, and Rosalind Franklin. The visualizations themselves present game-changing ideas and discoveries from the 15th century to the present day, notably including Galileo’s watercolors of the moon, Bourgery’s unparalleled Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery, Florence Nightingale’s statistical diagrams to indicate war casualties, and Einstein’s quickly scribbled ideas for his general theory of relativity.

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Authors & Contributors
Olmi, Giuseppe
Agricola, Georgius
Alexandratos, Rea
Attenborough, David
Baulu, Jean
Bernschneider-Reif, Sabine
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Journal of Global History
University of Chicago Press
Bononia University Press
Edinburgh University Press
Scientific illustration
Visual representation; visual communication
Science and art
Natural history
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Catesby, Mark
Dal Pozzo, Cassiano
Hartlieb, Johannes
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus
Leonardo da Vinci
Marshal, Alexander
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
15th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
Ottoman Empire
Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (Netherlands)

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