Upstill, Garrett (Author)
Spurling, Thomas H. (Author)
Healy, Terence J. (Author)
Simpson, Gregory W. (Author)
In the first decade of the twenty-first century, CSIRO’s role broadened toward national mission-oriented research, less directly focused on supporting Australian industry. In terms of its legislated mandate, it deliberately placed increased emphasis on ‘contributing to the achievement of national objectives’ and less emphasis on ‘assisting Australian industry’. This change was accompanied by an organisational restructuring with the introduction of a national flagships' research program and a matrix management structure. We analyse this process of change and the reasons behind it and we investigate the effects of the new approach on CSIRO’s relationship with industry, and its technology transfer activities. While there was continuity in its commercial performance, the pattern of CSIRO’s client-directed research changed substantially, with a reduction in manufacturing-related research, and a notable growth in health- and environment-related research, in the main part for government agencies and departments. By the end of the decade the organisation had established a clear role for itself in the national innovation system, in which its relationship with Australian industry was no longer the dominant feature. It was a disruptive decade for CSIRO, but one in which the organisation demonstrated its capacity to adapt to a changing external environment.
Bergersen, F. J.;
Research on Biological Nitrogen Fixation in CSIRO Plant Industry, 1952-1998
Peter M. Colman;
Antony W. Burgess;
Colin Wesley Ward 1943–2017
Margaret H. Friedel;
Stephen R. Morton;
Gary N. Bastin;
Jocelyn Davies;
D. Mark Stafford Smith;
A history of CSIRO’s Central Australian Laboratory 2, 1980–2018: Interdisciplinary land research
George E. Rogers;
Andrew Miller;
David A. D. Parry;
Robert Donald Bruce Fraser 1924–2019
Peter Horton;
Wah Soon Chow;
Christopher Barrett;
Joan Mary Anderson 1932–2015
Graham Farquhar;
Ralph Owen Slatyer 1929–2012
Wayne Orchiston;
Peter Robertson;
Woodruff T. Sullivan III;
Golden Years of Australian Radio Astronomy: An Illustrated History
Radder, Hans;
The Commodification of Academic Research: Science and the Modern University
Sarah Maria Schönbauer;
‘From Bench to Stage’: How Life Scientists’ Leisure Groups Build Collective Self-Care
Landström, Catharina;
The Australian Rabbit Calicivirus Disease Program: A Story about Technoscience and Culture
Patricia Morison;
The Martin Spirit: Charles Martin and the Foundation of Biological Science in Australia
Eugene Seneta;
Joseph Mark Gani 1924–2016
Helen A. Wolff;
Terence J. Healy;
Thomas H. Spurling;
An Introduction to the CSIRO Oral History Collection
Orchiston, Wayne;
George, Martin;
Slee, Bruce;
Wielebinski, Richard;
The History of Early Low Frequency Radio Astronomy in Australia. 1: The CSIRO Division of Radiophysics
Harry Wendt;
Wayne Orchiston;
The short-lived CSIRO Division of Radiophysics field station at Bankstown Aerodrome in Sydney
Gael Keig;
Robin L. Hide;
Susan M. Cuddy;
Heinz Buettikofer;
Jennifer A. Bellamy;
Pieter Bleeker;
David Freyne;
John McAlpine;
CSIRO and Land Research in Papua New Guinea 1950–2000: Part 1: Pre-Independence
Garrett Upstill;
Promoting Australian Industry: CSIRO 1949–79
Willis, J. B.;
Deane, J. F.;
Trevor Pearcey and the First Australian Computer: A Lost Opportunity?
Garrett Upstill;
Thomas H. Spurling;
Engaging with Australian Industry: CSIRO in the Late Twentieth Century
Margaret H. Friedel;
Stephen R. Morton;
A history of CSIRO’S Central Australian Laboratory, 1: 1953–80: Pastoral land research
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