Jellison, Katherine (Author)
During World War II, the United States needed to raise a sufficient military force while at the same time maintaining a sizeable farm labor force to meet increased wartime production goals. At a time when the word farmer was emphatically gendered male, and many farming communities resisted employing inexperienced outside labor, the nation’s agricultural sector focused on keeping as many young men as possible on the farm. The strategies the nation employed to secure both military personnel and agricultural producers played on a set of common themes regarding American masculinity. Visual images designed to persuade young men to stay on the farm echoed the iconography intended to recruit men into the military. Wartime propaganda portrayed both the ideal serviceman and the ideal farmer as white, muscular, and ready to use his powerful body to fight the war on the battlefield as well as in the farm field.
J. L. Anderson;
“You’re a Bigger Man”: Technology and Agrarian Masculinity in Postwar America
Pfau, Ann;
Hochfelder, David;
“Her voice a bullet”: Imaginary propaganda and legendary broadcasters of World War Two
Simons, Peter;
Aviation's Heartland: The Flying Farmers and Postwar Flight
Beth Linker;
Whitney Laemmli;
Half a Man: The Symbolism and Science of Paraplegic Impotence in World War II America
Rockwell, Trevor S.;
They May Remake Our Image of Mankind: Representations of Cosmonauts and Astronauts in Soviet and American Space Propaganda Magazines, 1961--1981
Robert Hugh Kargon;
Karen Fiss;
Morris Low;
Molella, Arthur P.,;
World's Fairs on the Eve of War: Science, Technology, and Modernity, 1937-1942
Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory;
Nature by Design: Masculinity and Animal Display in Nineteenth-Century America
Mitchell, Don;
They Saved the Crops: Labor, Landscape, and the Struggle over Industrial Farming in Bracero-Era California
Iina Kohonen;
Picturing the Cosmos: A Visual History of Early Soviet Space Endeavor
'Dust Bowls', TVAs and Snowy River Waters: John Heyer, "The Valley is Ours" and an Early Post-War 'Image of Australia'
Short, John Phillip;
Magic Lantern Empire: Colonialism and Society in Germany
Frances Bernstein;
Prosthetic Manhood in the Soviet Union at the End of World War II
Kampf, Antje;
Controlling Male Sexuality: Combating Venereal Disease in the New Zealand Military during Two World Wars
Griffiths, Clare;
Heroes of the Reconstruction: Images of British Farmers in War and Peace
Kelly A. Spring;
‘Today We Have All Got to be Fighting Fit’: The Interconnectivity of Gender Roles in British Food Rationing Propaganda during the Second World War
Melissa Dinsman;
Modernism at the Microphone: Radio, Propaganda, and Literary Aesthetics During World War II
Marco Di Giovanni;
Scienza e potenza: miti della guerra moderna, istituzioni scientifiche e politica di massa nell'Italia fascista (1935-1945)
Matsumura, Janice;
State Propaganda and Mental Disorders: The Issue of Psychiatric Casualties among Japanese Soldiers during the Asia-Pacific War
David Marks;
The Zeppelin Offensive: A German Perspective in Pictures & Postcards
Nikolas Dörr;
Die „saubere“ Atombombe. Die Bedeutung der Neutronenwaffe als Projektionsfl äche im Kalten Krieg (The “Clean” Atomic Bomb. The Significance of Neutron Weaponry as a Projection Screen during the Cold War)
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