Joyce, Rosemary A. (Author)
Sheptak, Russell N. (Author)
In this chapter, we emphasize the novel construction of defensive walls at Ticamaya, a precolumbian settlement in Caribbean Honduras that continued to be occupied into the nineteenth century, and at allied sites along the coast of the Gulf of Honduras, as likely material traces of innovations mediated by Spanish knowledge mobilized for indigenous resistance to Spanish colonization. Archaeological excavations at Ticamaya, described in 16th century Spanish documents as the seat of a leader of indigenous resistance, identified confirmed deposits from the period covering initial conflict with the Spanish, roughly 1520–1536. Yet these excavations produced no use of European goods until the late 18th c. Contemporary with Ticamaya, the site of Naco to the west hosted troops sent by Cortes, and at least one majolica vessel was discarded there. The contrast could lead to the conclusion that Ticamaya was unaffected by the Spanish encounter until it was incorporated into the colony. By considering apparently indigenous things as outcomes of tactical coping with Spanish invasion, we seek to blur line apparently firm lines between native and foreign materialities and define a third option of hybrid cultures.
...MoreBook Corinne L. Hofman; Keehnen, Floris W.M. (2019) Material encounters and indigenous transformations in the early colonial Americas : Archaeological case studies.
Keehnen, Floris W.M.;
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Epilogue Situating Colonial Interaction and Materials: Scale, Context, Theory
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War and Peace in the Sixteenth-Century Southwest: Objected-Oriented Approaches to Native-European Encounters and Trajectories
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Santa María de la Antigua del Darién: the Aftermath of Colonial Settlement
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M. Alejandra Korstanje;
An Early Hispanic-Indigenous Contact Event at the Los Viscos Archaeological Site in the South-Central Andes: A Zooarchaeological Perspective
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Indigenous Pottery Technology of Central Mexico during Early Colonial Times
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Marlena Magdalena Antczak;
Andrzej T. Antczak;
Rancherías: Historical Archaeology of Early Colonial Campsites on Margarita and Coche Islands, Venezuela
Roberto Valcárcel Rojas;
European Material Culture in Indigenous Sites in Northeastern Cuba
Sheptak, Russell N.;
Moving Masca: Persistent Indigenous Communities in Spanish Colonial Honduras
Christophe Helmke;
Jaime J. Awe;
Exotics for the Lords and Gods: Lowland Maya Consumption of European Goods along a Spanish Colonial Frontier
Keehnen, Floris W.M.;
Corinne L. Hofman;
Andrzej T. Antczak;
Material Encounters and Indigenous Transformations in the Early Colonial Americas
Shannon Dugan Iverson;
Resignification as Fourth Narrative: Power and the Colonial Religious Experience in Tula, Hidalgo
Corinne L. Hofman;
Marlieke Ernst;
Breaking and Making Identities: Transformations of Ceramic Repertoires in Early Colonial Hispaniola
Martijn van den Bel;
Gérard Collomb;
‘Beyond the Falls’: Amerindian Stance towards New Encounters along the Wild Coast (ad 1595–1627)
Corinne L. Hofman;
Menno L.P. Hoogland;
Arie Boomert;
John Angus Martin;
Colonial Encounters in the Southern Lesser Antilles: Indigenous Resistance, Material Transformations, and Diversity in an Ever-Globalizing World
Victor D. Thompson;
Amanda D. Roberts Thompson;
William H. Marquardt;
Karen J. Walker;
Lee A. Newsom;
Discovering San Antón de Carlos: The Sixteenth-Century Spanish Buildings and Fortifications of Mound Key, Capital of the Calusa
Heather Law Pezzarossi;
Sheptak, Russell N.;
Indigenous persistence in the colonized Americas: material and documentary perspectives on entanglement
Cynthia L. Otis Charlton;
William J. Parry;
Patricia Fournier García;
Alejandro Pastrana Cruz;
Obsidian Production and Use in Central Mexico after the Spanish Invasion
Julie K. Wesp;
Working in the City: An Historical Bioarchaeology of Activity in Urban New Spain
Jerzy Piekalski;
Jakub Sawicki;
Paweł Duma;
Archaeology and Quality of Life in Central-European, Pre-Industrial Towns (Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries)
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