The global health community has gradually been turning its attention toward chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).¹ However, as Sanuade explains in the next chapter, the lack of well-established NCD surveys, disease registries, cohort studies and complete health facility data has meant that the data available to understand chronic NCDs, their risk factors and appropriate interventions in these settings are limited. There have been recent attempts to fill in these data gaps. The World Health Organization (WHO) has implemented World Health Surveys, Stepwise Approach to Surveillance (STEPS) and the longitudinal Study on Global Ageing and Adult
...MoreBook Mika, Marissa Anne; Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui; Vaughan, Megan (2021) Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Olutobi Sanuade;
Estimating and Monitoring the Burden of Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Ghana
Hochman, Gilberto;
Palmer, Steven;
Smallpox Eradication and Brazil: An Interview with Donald A. Henderson
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¿Colonialismo biomédico o autonomía de lo local? Sanadores tradicionales contra la tuberculosis
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Katariina Parhi;
Annukka Sailo;
Historical Explorations of Modern Epidemiology: Patterns, Populations and Pathologies
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Weighing the Future: Race, Science, and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era
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Italy, the developing world, and aid policy, 1969–1979: The ‘historic compromise’ and Italian foreign policy
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Sticky Technologies: Plumpy’nut®, Emergency Feeding and the Viscosity of Humanitarian Design
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Exporting capitalism : Private enterprise and US foreign policy
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Epidemiology and “Developing Countries”: Writing Pesticides, Poverty and Political Engagement in Latin America
Oluwatoyin Babatunde Oduntan;
Culture and Colonial Medicine: Smallpox in Abeokuta, Western Nigeria
Schneider, William H.;
Smallpox in Africa during Colonial Rule
Jessica Pearson-Patel;
French Colonialism and the Battle against the WHO Regional Office for Africa
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Negotiating South–South cooperation for mental health: The World Health Organization and the African Mental Health Action Group, 1970s–90s
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Traditional Medicine Goes Global: Pan-African Precedents, Cultural Decolonization, and Cold War Rights/Properties
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Causation and prediction in epidemiology: A guide to the “Methodological Revolution”
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Human genetics after the bomb: Archives, clinics, proving grounds and board rooms
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(November 2015)
An Illusory Consensus behind GMO Health Assessment
Derek Cameron;
“Imagine the Perfect Vaccine”: Homeopathic Vaccine Alternatives and Vaccine Discourse in English Canada
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The end of the “white man's grave”? Nineteenth-century mortality in West Africa
Curtain, Philip D.;
Migration and Mortality in Africa and the Atlantic World, 1700-1900
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