Solaro, Giuseppe (Author)
The paper mainly focuses on the debated issue of the exile of Thucydides. It suggests a new interpretation of the words μετὰ τὴν ἐς Ἀμφίπολιν στρατηγίαν (v,26,5), which is based on another Thucydides’ passage (iv,104,5). It also shows that viii,68,2 does not demonstrate that Thucydides was in Athens in 411 bc listening to Antiphon’s process, because, as it often happens in his work, the historian uses φαίνομαι + participle, and this indicates he was not actually a witness of that famous speech in defence. Finally the paper refers to the issues of the sources of Thucydides, of the death of the historian and of the edition of his work.
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