Clifford, Jim (Author)
West Ham and the River Lea explores the environmental and social history of London's most populous independent suburb and its second largest river. Jim Clifford maps the migration of industry into West Ham's marshlands and reveals the consequences for the working-class people who lived among the factories. He argues that poverty, pollution, water shortages, and disease stimulated momentum for political transformation, providing an opening for a new urban politics to emerge. This book establishes the importance of the urban environment in the development of social democracy in Greater London.
...MoreReview William M. Cavert (October 2018) Review of "West Ham and the River Lea: A Social and Environmental History of London's Industrialized Marshland, 1839-1914". Environmental History (pp. 892-893).
Gertrud Haidvogl;
Verena Winiwarter;
Gert Dressel;
Sylvia Gierlinger;
Friedrich Hauer;
Severin Hohensinner;
Gudrun Pollack;
Christina Spitzbart-Glasl;
Erich Raith;
(October 2018)
Urban Waters and the Development of Vienna between 1683 and 1910
Vincenzo De Meo;
Ilaria Giannetti;
Stefania Mornati;
La sistemazione del Tevere urbano. 50 anni di cantiere dalle carte del Genio Civile di Roma (1876-1926)
Mark Luccarelli;
The Eclipse of Urbanism and the Greening of Public Space: Image Making and the Search for a Commons in the United States, 1682-1865
Thomas Almeroth-Williams;
City of Beasts: how animals shaped Georgian London
Jennifer Bonnell;
Reclaiming the Don: An Environmental History of Toronto's Don River Valley
Chris Gratien;
The Unsettled Plain: An Environmental History of the Late Ottoman Frontier
Leona J. Skelton;
Tyne after Tyne: An Environmental History of a River's Battle for Protection 1529-2015
Matthew Evenden;
(October 2018)
Beyond the Organic Machine? New Approaches in River Historiography
Riccardo Rao;
Risk societies e resilienza ambientale: borghi nuovi, inondazioni e abbandoni sul Po nel medioevo e nella prima età moderna
Massimo Mussini;
Governo delle acque nel territorio reggiano fra medioevo e rinascimento
Reynard, Pierre Claude;
Reaching for a “Natural Authority”: The Rhone in Eighteenth-Century Lyon
Amahia Mallea;
A River in the City of Fountains: An Environmental History of Kansas City and the Missouri River
Kibel, Paul Stanton;
Rivertown: Rethinking Urban Rivers
Harold L. Platt;
Sinking Chicago: Climate Change and the Remaking of a Flood-Prone Environment
Bill Luckin;
Thorsheim, Peter;
A mighty capital under threat : The environmental history of London, 1800-2000
Joshua A. T. Salzmann;
Liquid Capital: Making the Chicago Waterfront
Dennis, Richard;
Cities in Modernity: Representations and Productions of Metropolitan Space, 1840--1930
Greg Bankoff;
Of Time and Timing: Internal Drainage Boards and Water Level Management in the River Hull Valley
Martin Stuber;
Social Anthropology avant la lettre: The Economic Enlightenment Perspective on Traditional Uses of Wetlands
Elijah Doro;
Plunder for Profit: A Socio-environmental History of Tobacco Farming in Southern Rhodesia and Zimbabwe
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