Boster, Dea H. (Author)
Disability is often mentioned in discussions of slave health, mistreatment and abuse, but constructs of how "able" and "disabled" bodies influenced the institution of slavery has gone largely overlooked. This volume uncovers a history of disability in African American slavery from the primary record, analyzing how concepts of race, disability, and power converged in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century. Slaves with physical and mental impairments often faced unique limitations and conditions in their diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation as property. Slaves with disabilities proved a significant challenge to white authority figures, torn between the desire to categorize them as different or defective and the practical need to incorporate their "disorderly" bodies into daily life. Being physically "unfit" could sometimes allow slaves to escape the limitations of bondage and oppression, and establish a measure of self-control. Furthermore, ideas about and reactions to disability--appearing as social construction, legal definition, medical phenomenon, metaphor, or masquerade--highlighted deep struggles over bodies in bondage in antebellum America.
...MoreReview Jeff Forret (2015) Review of "African American Slavery and Disability: Bodies, Property, and Power in the Antebellum South, 1800-1860". Journal of Southern History (pp. 180-182).
Review Marie Jenkins Schwartz (2015) Review of "African American Slavery and Disability: Bodies, Property, and Power in the Antebellum South, 1800-1860". Journal of American History (pp. 249-249).
Jeff Forret;
"Deaf & Dumb, Blind, Insane, or Idiotic": The Census, Slaves, and Disability in the Late Antebellum South
Kristi M. Simon;
The Controversy Surrounding Slave Insanity: The Diagnosis, Treatment and Lived Experience of Mentally Ill Slaves in the Antebellum South
Pohl, Lynn Marie;
African American Southerners and White Physicians: Medical Care at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Brian Craig Miller;
Empty Sleeves: Amputation in the Civil War South
Boster, Dea H.;
“I Made up My Mind to Act Both Deaf and Dumb”: Displays of Disability and Slave Resistance in the Antebellum American South
Cardon, Nathan;
The South's “New Negroes” and African American Visions of Progress at the Atlanta and Nashville International Expositions, 1895--1897
Long, Margaret Geneva;
Doctoring Freedom: The Politics of African American Medical Care in Slavery and Emancipation
Kodama, Kaori;
Antiescravismo e epidemia: “O tráfico dos negros considerado como a causa da febre amarela”, de Mathieu François Maxime Audouard, e o Rio de Janeiro em 1850
Patterson, Andrea;
Germs and Jim Crow: The Impact of Microbiology on Public Health Policies in Progressive Era American South
Lovesey, Oliver;
“The Poor Little Monstrosity”: Ellice Hopkins' Rose Turquand , Victorian Disability, and Nascent Eugenic Fiction
Christophe Capuano;
Le Maintien à domicile: Une histoire transversale
Linker, Beth;
On the Borderland of Medical and Disability History: A Survey of the Fields
Christopher D. E. Willoughby;
Running Away from Drapetomania: Samuel A. Cartwright, Medicine, and Race in the Antebellum South
Adam Wesley Dean;
An Agrarian Republic: Farming, Antislavery Politics, and Nature Parks in the Civil War Era
Emily West;
R. J. Knight;
Mothers' Milk: Slavery, Wet-Nursing, and Black and White Women in the Antebellum South
Weiner, Marli Frances;
Hough, Mazie;
Sex, Sickness, and Slavery: Illness in the Antebellum South
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers;
They were her property : White women as slave owners in the American South
Boster, Dea H.;
An “Epeleptick” Bondswoman: Fits, Slavery, and Power in the Antebellum South
R. Douglas Hurt;
Agriculture and the Confederacy: Policy, Productivity, and Power in the Civil War South
Gudmestad, Robert H.;
Steamboats and the Rise of the Cotton Kingdom
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