Caroline White-Nockleby (Author)
From Tesla’s experimental ‘Virtual Power Plants’ to the US’s Energy Storage Grand Challenge, grid-scale batteries – which attach to the electricity grid to buffer supply and demand – are sites of intensifying research, speculation and legislation. They are increasingly positioned as a transformative means to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Indeed, batteries are not the only form of storage in the spotlight: A variety of stored forms, including seed banks, metals stockpiles, and sequestered carbon dioxide have become central in generating, and ameliorating, anxieties about environmental futures. ‘Storage’ offers a potent analytic to analogize phenomena across scales and contexts, in part because of the increasingly visible status of its emic instantiations. As a means to store electricity, a uniquely ephemeral commodity, batteries, like other stored forms, both mediate power and capital and can defuse political potency. Though batteries can smooth the integration of renewable energy into the grid by disciplining the unruly schedules of sun and wind, their potentials (and proponents) extend to the fossil fuel industry as well: They are ‘fuel-neutral’, allowing all kinds of electrons to become more cost-efficient. In these multivalent contexts, I suggest, securing the status and value of a battery’s stored electricity, or trading on its ambiguity, can signal and effect political agendas, even as such arbitrations can recast politics in a techno-juridical domain.
Efrain O'Neill-Carrillo;
Emmanuel Mercado;
Oscar Luhring;
Isaac Jordan;
Agustin Irizarry-Rivera;
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Community Energy Projects in the Caribbean: Advancing Socio-Economic Development and Energy Transitions
Sara Heidenreich;
(May 2018)
Outreaching, Outsourcing, and Disembedding: How Offshore Wind Scientists Consider Their Engagement with Society
Yannick Rumpala;
Alternative Forms of Energy Production and Political Reconfigurations: Exploring Alternative Energies as Potentialities of Collective Reorganization
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Noam Bergman;
Debbie Hopkins;
Kirsten EH Jenkins;
Sabine Hielscher;
Andreas Goldthau;
Brent Brossmann;
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Imagining sustainable energy and mobility transitions: Valence, temporality, and radicalism in 38 visions of a low-carbon future
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Sujatha Raman;
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Sociotechnical imaginaries of low-carbon waste-energy futures: UK techno-market fixes displacing public accountability
Christopher L. Heth;
Energy on demand: A brief history of the development of the battery
Pierce, John C.;
Steel, Brett S.;
Introduction to the Symposium: Cultural Considerations in Alternative-Energy Transfer
Pierce, John C.;
Steel, Brent S.;
Warner, Rebecca L.;
Knowledge, Culture, and Public Support for Renewable-Energy Policy
Götz, Roland;
Mauerblümchen: Erneuerbare Energien in Russland
Friedman, Robert;
Smith, Hamilton O.;
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Biological Solutions to Renewable Energy
Reihana Mohideen;
Pankaj Batra;
Prabhjot Khan;
(March 2020)
Low-Carbon Energy Transition in India: Implications for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
Hirsh, Richard F.;
Beyond batteries: An examination of the benefits and barriers to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) transition
Dominic Boyer;
Howe, Cymene;
Wind and power in the Anthropocene. 2 vols: Energopolitics and Ecologics
Tousignant, Noemi;
(October 2013)
Broken tempos: Of means and memory in a Senegalese university laboratory
Essay Review
Filip Vostal;
Acceleration Approximating Science and Technology Studies: On Judy Wajcman’s Recent Oeuvre
José David Gómez-Urrego;
The intersections between infrastructures and expectations: Repair and breakdown in Yachay, the city of knowledge in Ecuador
Morten Sager;
Teun Zuiderent-Jerak;
(May 2021)
Knowing Times: Temporalities of Evidence for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
Ildikó Zonga Plájás;
Permanent Temporality: Race, Time, and the Materiality of Romanian Identity Cards
Lynne Pearce;
(March 2020)
“Text-as-Means” versus “Text-as-End-in-Itself”: Some Reasons Why Literary Scholars Have Been Slow to Hop on the Mobilities Bus
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Disentangling war and disease in post-conflict Colombia beyond technoscientific peacemaking
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