Baker-Médard, Merrill (Author)
This work explores how colonial marine conservation policy in Madagascar had the dual purpose of facilitating the expansion of capital and 'civilising' the way Malagasy fishers used marine resources. I analyse how the legacy of narratives that emerged to bolster state-led conservation intervention during the colonial period are still present in current conservation and development narratives, perpetuating in some cases the coloniser-colonised relationship between conservation organisations and local resource users. These findings indicate a need to revamp certain aspects of marine conservation legislation in Madagascar and the need for conservation organisations to explicitly acknowledge this history when working with local resource users in order to avoid reproducing historical injustices.
Jones, Ryan Tucker;
Running into Whales: The History of the North Pacific from below the Waves
Nina Vieira;
Cristina Brito;
Brazilian manatees (re)discovered: Early modern accounts reflecting the overexploitation of aquatic resources and the emergence of conservation concerns
Andrea E. Duffy;
(April 2018)
Civilizing through Cork: Conservationism and la Mission Civilisatrice in French Colonial Algeria
Ford, Caroline;
Reforestation, Landscape Conservation, and the Anxieties of Empire in French Colonial Algeria
R. Alexander Hunter;
Cod, Colonialism, and the Anthropocene
Bo Poulsen;
Global Marine Science and Carlsberg: The Golden Connections of Johannes Schmidt (1877-1933)
Middleton, Karen;
Renarrating a Biological Invasion: Historical Memory, Local Communities and Ecologists
Jennings, Eric T.;
Confronting Rabies and Its Treatments in Colonial Madagascar, 1899--1910
Susanne Köstering;
Ein Museum für Weltnatur: Die Geschichte des Naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg
Payne, Brian J.;
Fishing a Borderless Sea: Environmental Territorialism in the North Atlantic, 1818--1910
Wessely, Christina;
Wässrige Milieus. Ökologische Perspektiven in Meeresbiologie und Aquarienkunde um 1900
Ford, Caroline;
Reforestation, Landscape Conservation, and the Anxieties of Empire in French Colonial Algeria
Combeau-Mari, Evelyne;
L'observatoire d'Ambohidempona à Madagascar (1888--1923): Pouvoir jésuite et science coloniale
Gary M. Kroll;
Exploration in the Mare Incognita: Natural History and Conservation in Early Twentieth Century America
Alessandro Antonello;
Antarctic Krill and the Temporalities of Oceanic Abundance, 1930s–1960s
Thomas Blake Earle;
(October 2018)
Transatlantic Diplomacy, North Atlantic Environments, and the Fisheries Dispute of 1852
McKenzie, Matthew;
Clearing the Coastline: The Nineteenth-Century Ecological and Cultural Transformation of Cape Cod
Thomas A. Jefferson;
Marine mammals of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838–1842: History and taxonomy
Mayumi Itoh;
The Japanese Culture of Mourning Whales: Whale Graves and Memorial Monuments in Japan
Hubbard, Jennifer Mary;
A Science on the Scales: The Rise of Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Biology, 1898--1939
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