Ferraz, Marcia H. M. (Author)
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria (Author)
Discussions of possible procedures to analyze materials originated in the various kingdoms of nature became increasingly more frequent in the second half of the 18 th century. While in the wake of the work performed by Antoine Lavoisier and his group, the analysis of a considerable part of mineral compounds no longer posed a problem, the same was not the case of the substances of plant or animal origin. In this paper we discuss Pierre-J. Macquer’s and Antoine –F. Fourcroy’s ideas on the analysis of materials originated in the plant and animal kingdoms and how the results of such analyses were gradually included in pharmacopoeias in the early decades of the 19 th century.
De Berg, Kevin C.;
Tin Oxide Chemistry from Macquer (1758) to Mendeleeff (1891) as Revealed in the Textbooks and Other Literature of the Era
Giovanni Cipriani;
La farmacopea bresciana di Francesco Marabelli (1798)
Klein, Ursula;
Lehman, Christine;
Pierre-Joseph Macquer, an Eighteenth-Century Artisanal-Scientific Expert
Wolfgang Lefèvre;
The Méthode de nomenclature chimique (1787): A Document of Transition
Lafont, Olivier;
Lavoisier et les radicaux: Radicaux
Lehman, Christine;
Innovation in Chemistry Courses in France in the Mid-Eighteenth Century: Experiments and Affinities
Schmiederer, Katja;
Das Dictionnaire de Chymie von Pierre Joseph Macquer (1718--1784): Die Originale und Übersetzungen als Spiegelbild der Entwicklung der Chemie und Pharmazie im letzten Drittel des 18. Jahrhunderts
Akeroyd, F. Michael;
Mechanistic Explanation Versus Deductive-Nomological Explanation
Christine Lehman;
What is the “True” Nature of Diamond?
Frank A. J. L. James;
Humphry Davy’s Early Chemical Knowledge, Theory and Experiments: An Edition of His 1798 Manuscript, “An Essay on Heat and the Combinations of Light” from The Royal Institution of Cornwall, Courtney Library, MS DVY/2
Lehman, Christine;
Pierre-Joseph Macquer: Chemistry in the French Enlightenment
Aleta Quinn;
Whewell on classification and consilience
Mary Jo Nye;
Stephen J. Weininger;
Paper Tools from the 1780s to the 1960s: Nomenclature, Classification, and Representations
Klein, Ursula;
In the Thick of Organic Matter
Eddy, Matthew D.;
The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800
Lefèvre, Wolfgang;
Viewing Chemistry through Its Ways of Classifying
Essay Review
Oldroyd, David;
Mineralogy, Chemistry, Botany, Medicine, Geology, Agriculture, Meteorology, Classification,…: The Life and Times of John Walker (1730--1803), Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh University
Isabel Malaquias;
João A. B. P. Oliveira;
Shaping the Periodic Classification in Portugal through (text)books and charts
Irish, Stephen T.;
Brodie's Calculus and Chemical Classification
Scerri, Eric R.;
A Philosophical Commentary on Giunta's Critique of Newlands' Classification of the Elements
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