Munns, David P. D. (Author)
In the 1950s, American public universities began training a vast new cadre of nuclear engineers, technicians, and scientists in specially designed and built “teaching reactors.” As this article describes, a generation of nuclear engineering undergraduates and graduate students were exposed to an open, accessible, and above all, visible demonstration of nuclear energy through educational “swimming pool”–style reactors. Distinct from reactors for either weapons or power production, the swimming pool reactor was specifically configured to be a pedagogical tool. Educational programs were created around federally and industrially sponsored reactors for training, part of the massive Cold War era transformations of Midwestern, Western, and Southern public colleges and universities. This article offers the Ford Nuclear Reactor at the University of Michigan as an example of how the peaceful pedagogical atom developed after the 1950s. As I argue, teaching reactors were one product of the conservative compact made between government, public universities, and private industry in the early 1950s that underpinned the famed Atoms for Peace movement, with its technology and information sharing and international training priorities. Indeed, teaching reactors resolved for Eisenhower’s administration the tension between a desire for centralized control of the atom and the powerful vision of a future of prosperity brought about by open education and use of nuclear materials. This paper is part of a special issue entitled “Revealing the Michigan Memorial–Phoenix Project.”
...MoreArticle Joseph D. Martin; Gisela Mateos; David P. D. Munns; Edna Suárez-Díaz (2021) Special Issue Introduction: Historical Peculiarity and the Order of the Phoenix. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 169-178).
David P.D. Munns;
Teaching in a Swimming Pool: The Ford Nuclear Reactor and the Training of the Atomic Age
Joseph D. Martin;
Science in the Age of Invincible Surmise: Nuclear Optimism and the Michigan Memorial–Phoenix Project
Rodney P. Carlisle;
Joan M. Zenzen;
Supplying the Nuclear Arsenal: American Production-reactors, 1942-1992
Gisela Mateos;
Edna Suárez-Díaz;
“The Door to the Promised Land of Atomic Peace and Plenty: ”Mexican Students and the Phoenix Memorial Project
Pritchard, Sara B.;
An Envirotechnical Disaster: Nature, Technology, and Politics at Fukushima
Uekoetter, Frank;
Fukushima, Europe, and the Authoritarian Nature of Nuclear Technology
David P.D. Munns;
The Atom Goes To College”: The Teaching Reactors that Trained the Atomic Age
Tatiana Kasperski;
Children, Nation and Reactors: Imagining and Promoting Nuclear Power in Contemporary Ukraine
Alison Boyle;
“Banishing the Atom Pile Bogy”: Exhibiting Britain's First Nuclear Reactor
Chieko Kojima;
Early History of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in France: The Honeymoon Era of Radioactive Waste Reprocessing and Fast Breeder Reactors
Tolliday, Steven;
Crumbling Dream: Japan's Nuclear Quest, 1954--2011
Jacob Darwin Hamblin;
Aligning missions: nuclear technical assistance, the IAEA, and national ambitions in Pakistan
Sheila Jasanoff;
Sang-Hyun Kim;
Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power
Avenell, Simon;
From Fearsome Pollution to Fukushima: Environmental Activism and the Nuclear Blind Spot in Contemporary Japan
Brown, Kate;
Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters
Langston, Nancy;
Japan Forum: Introduction
Mara Drogan;
The Nuclear Nation and the German Question: An American Reactor in West Berlin
Hamblin, Jacob Darwin;
Fukushima and the Motifs of Nuclear History
Yuka Moriguchi Tsuchiya;
Science, Technology and the Cultural Cold War in Asia: From Atoms for Peace to Space Flight
Klein, David;
A Quarter Century of US “Math Wars” and Political Partisanship
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