Johnson, Paul (Author)
This essay takes up questions related to the medical and legal legacies of the trans-atlantic slave trade by examining, within newly sovereign states, the fortunes of ritual experts conversant in matters of health. It asks how these ritual actors in Brazil—where 40 percent of all slaves were sent—framed illness, and compares their frameworks to the legal terms such states used to circumscribe their activities, and what the social consequences were. Instead of approaching this process as an opposition between disease and illness, or the body and its representations, I view these actors’ multiple frames as a window into the way they were “doing” medicine. Their techniques, taken together, allowed them to constitute “the body” in any given healing event, rendering its afflictions thinkable, actionable, and affectively compelling. African-inspired ritual specialists orchestrated complex mises-en-scène of health and cure, achieved in and through ritual doing. This article shows how these techniques came into being and became established; it also explores the conflicts they generated with colonial and nation-state administrators. Two key state regimes in particular were deployed to translate and control Afro-Atlantic ritual techniques: public health and psychiatry. Yet, despite state attempts at the bureaucratic rationalization of medicine, African-inspired healing specialists and their techniques continued to attract a wide clientele across racial groups, serving as a constant challenge to liberal ideas of legal personhood in the process.
Martins, Ana Paula Vosne;
Gênero e assistência: considerações histórico-conceituais sobre práticas e políticas assistenciais
Adams, Vincanne;
Randomized Controlled Crime: Postcolonial Sciences in Alternative Medicine Research
Rosanna Dent;
Stolen Masks
Kalle Kananoja;
Infected by the Devil, Cured by Calundu: African Healers in Eighteenth-century Minas Gerais, Brazil
Bala, Poonam;
Biomedicine as a Contested Site: Some Revelations in Imperial Contexts
Natalia Magliocchetti;
Il Sistema informativo per la salute mentale del Ministero della Salute
Paolo Francesco Peloso;
Franco Basaglia, un profilo. Dalla critica dell’istituzione psichiatrica alla critica della società
Harrison, Mark;
Medicine in an Age of Commerce and Empire: Britain and Its Tropical Colonies, 1660--1830
Leitner, Bernhard;
Zum Transfer von Psychiatrie: Narrative, Termini und transkulturelle Psychiatrie in Japan
Coleborne, Catharine;
McCarthy, Angela;
Health and Place in Historical Perspective: Medicine, Ethnicity, and Colonial Identities
Messas, Guilherme Peres;
O espírito das leis e as leis do espírito: a evolução do pensamento legislativo brasileiro em saúde mental
Essay Review
Gallagher, Nancy;
Medicine and Modernity in the Middle East and North Africa
Au, Sokhieng;
Medicine and Modernity in Colonial Cambodia
Laurence Monnais;
The Reinvention of an Appropriate Tradition or the Colonial Birth of Vietnamese Medicine
Santing, Catrien;
Death and the City: The Human Corpse as an Embodiment of Public Wellbeing in Counter-Reformation Rome
Hannah-Louise Clark;
Of Jinn Theories and Germ Theories: Translating Microbes, Bacteriological Medicine, and Islamic Law in Algeria
Correa, Sílvio Marcus de Souza;
O “combate” às doenças tropicais na imprensa colonial alemã
Gerstenberger, Debora;
Gilberto Freyre: um teórico da globalização?
Cagle, Hubert Glenn, III;
Dead Reckonings: Disease and the Natural Sciences in Portuguese Asia and the Atlantic, 1450--1650
Swartz, Sally;
The Regulation of British Colonial Lunatic Asylums and the Origins of Colonial Psychiatry, 1860--1864
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