Article ID: CBB951906521

“A wife or friend at e’ery Port”: The Common Sailor in Ballads of the Early British Empire (2020)


The “sailor ballads” of the early British Empire employ popular song not only to investigate sailors’ hardships and victories, but to explore the character attributes of seafaring men. This article argues that the range of attitudes and concerns present in these texts signals a larger cultural conversation about these men’s fitness as husbands to the nation’s women, fathers to its children, and members of its communities. Although protoimperialist and mercantilist writers such as John Dee, Robert Hitchcock, and Edward Misselden stressed the social benefits of employing common men in large-scale seafaring projects, the ballads explore the consequences of the common sailor’s presence—and most particularly, his prolonged absence—on the traditional stabilizing structures of family and community. In doing so, the ballads critically examine the potential rewards and consequences of imperial expansion from a terrestrial, local, and communal perspective.

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Authors & Contributors
Neufeld, Matthew
Fusaro, Maria
Algazi, Gadi
Baur, Nicole
Blakemore, Richard J.
Cooper, Alix
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Business History Review
Journal for Maritime Research: Britian, the Sea and Global History
British Journal for the History of Science
Economic History Review
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Cambridge University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
Oxford University Press
University of California Press
Springer International Publishing
Labor and laborers
Hospitals and clinics
Mental disorders and diseases
Science and society
Blane, Gilbert, Sir
Bodin, Jean
Hobbes, Thomas
Locke, John
Roger of Howden
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Time Periods
18th century
Early modern
17th century
16th century
19th century
Great Britain
Holy Roman Empire
Venice (Italy)
Great Britain. Royal Navy
Royal Society of London

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