Laurie Ellinghausen (Author)
The “sailor ballads” of the early British Empire employ popular song not only to investigate sailors’ hardships and victories, but to explore the character attributes of seafaring men. This article argues that the range of attitudes and concerns present in these texts signals a larger cultural conversation about these men’s fitness as husbands to the nation’s women, fathers to its children, and members of its communities. Although protoimperialist and mercantilist writers such as John Dee, Robert Hitchcock, and Edward Misselden stressed the social benefits of employing common men in large-scale seafaring projects, the ballads explore the consequences of the common sailor’s presence—and most particularly, his prolonged absence—on the traditional stabilizing structures of family and community. In doing so, the ballads critically examine the potential rewards and consequences of imperial expansion from a terrestrial, local, and communal perspective.
Maria Fusaro;
The Burden of Risk: Early Modern Maritime Enterprise and Varieties of Capitalism
Elin Jones;
Stratifying seamanship: sailors’ knowledge and the mechanical arts in eighteenth-century Britain
Hannah Knox Tucker;
(Winter 2023)
Unfreedom and Slavery Under Sail: Intercolonial Trade in the British Atlantic, 1698–1766
Johnathan Thayer;
Citizenship, Subversion, and Surveillance in U.S. Ports: Sailors Ashore
Fusaro, Maria;
‘Migrating Seamen, Migrating Laws’?
Pietsch, Roland;
Hearts of Oak and Jolly Tars? Heroism and Insanity in the Georgian Navy
Hughes, Paul;
Roger of Howden's Sailing Directions for the English Coast
Neufeld, Matthew;
Wickham, Blaine;
The State, the People and the Care of Sick and Injured Sailors in Late Stuart England
Matthew Neufeld;
Early Modern Naval Health Care in England, 1650–1750
Philippa Hellawell;
“The Best and Most Practical Philosophers”: Seamen and the Authority of Experience in Early Modern Science
Blakemore, Richard J.;
Navigating Culture: Navigational Instruments as Cultural Artefacts, c. 1550--1650
Alix Cooper;
Natural History as a Family Enterprise: Kinship and Inheritance in Eighteenth-Century Science
Suzuki, Akihito;
Madness at Home: The Psychiatrist, the Patient, and the Family in England, 1820--1860
Sarah Fox;
Giving Birth in Eighteenth-century England
Baur, Nicole;
Family Influence and Psychiatric Care: Physical Treatments in Devon Mental Hospitals, c. 1920 to the 1970s
Annemarie Kinzelbach;
J. Andrew Mendelsohn;
Common Knowledge: Bodies, Evidence, and Expertise in Early Modern Germany
Algazi, Gadi;
Eine gelernte Lebensweise: Figurationen des Gelehrtenlebens zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
Rita Koganzon;
Liberal States, Authoritarian Families: Childhood and Education in Early Modern Thought
Peter Anderson;
Unions and compensating wage differentials for workplace accident risk: the English and Welsh railway industry, 1902–12
Laura Gowing;
Ingenious trade : Women and work in seventeenth-century London
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