Jordan Howell (Author)
In the 1940s and 1950s, North American corporations made colonial Jamaica the world’s largest producer of bauxite, the raw material required to smelt aluminum. This industrial transformation was part of a transimperial project, as British and American diplomats worked with industrialists to reconstruct the world capitalist economy after the Second World War. Although much has been written about the history of bauxite in Jamaica, scholars have paid little attention to the conflicts between peasants and prospectors that underpinned the industry’s rise and expansion. As this article argues, corporate prospecting drove a transformation in property that enabled firms to invest in mining and, as a result, dispossess tens of thousands of Jamaicans of their land. But the expansion of capitalism at the end of empire did not just mark the Jamaican countryside. The history of environmental and social change was decided there, through conflicts between peasants and prospectors over land and property.
Oscar De la Torre;
The people of the river : Nature and identity in Black Amazonia, 1835-1945
Martin Ivanov;
Michael Kopsidis;
Industrialisation in a small grain economy during the First Globalisation: Bulgaria c. 1870–1910
Péter Szabó;
The Horka Litter Raking Incident: On Foresters and Peasants in Nineteenth-Century Moravia
Elizabeth Grennan Browning;
(October 2021)
Wastelanding and Racialized Reproductive Labor: “Long Dyings” in East Chicago from Urban Renewal to Superfund Remediation
Sarah Mittlefehldt;
(October 2018)
Wood Waste and Race: The Industrialization of Biomass Energy Technologies and Environmental Justice
John B. Stranges;
Matthew M. Troia;
Claudette E. Walck;
Limited Victory: Love Canal Reclaimed
Malin, Stephanie A.;
The price of nuclear power: uranium communities and environmental justice
Matthew Cotton;
Nuclear Power and Environmental Justice: The Case for Political Equality
Andrew Gutkowski;
The Evolution of Environmental (In)Justice in Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1900–2000
Kristina Lyons;
(June 2018)
Chemical warfare in Colombia, evidentiary ecologies and senti-actuando practices of justice
Josiah Rector;
Toxic Debt: An Environmental Justice History of Detroit
Multimedia Object
Sharika Crawford;
Bronfman, Alejandra;
Alejandra Bronfman, “Isles of Noise: Sonic Media in the Caribbean” (UNC Press, 2016)
Alejandra M. Bronfman;
Isles of Noise: Sonic Media in the Caribbean
Florencia Arancibia;
Renata Motta;
Undone Science and Counter-Expertise: Fighting for Justice in an Argentine Community Contaminated by Pesticides
Thom van Dooren;
Matthew Chrulew;
Kin: Thinking with Deborah Bird Rose
Roxana Vergara;
María Eugenia Ulfe;
Measuring incommensurability: Compensations in judicial processes of oil spills in Northern Peruvian Amazon
Sarah M. Roe;
Elyse Zavar;
Understanding the role of wrongdoing in technological disasters: Utilizing ecofeminist philosophy to examine commemoration
Shannon Elizabeth Bell;
Fighting King Coal: The Challenges to Micromobilization in Central Appalachia
Barbara L. Allen;
(November 2018)
Strongly Participatory Science and Knowledge Justice in an Environmentally Contested Region
Kristina Lyons;
Marilyn Howarth;
The importance of hemispheric perspectives for the environmental humanities: Reflections on bilingual digital environmental justice storytelling
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