Article ID: CBB928363913

Tevrata e Fusiologiva. Lucrezio, polemiche sull'esistenza dei mostri (2014)


Between I, II, IV and V books of the "De Rerum Natura", Lucretius leads an intense polemic against monsters, animated several times and by different views, witnessing an uncompromising rejection than it is within the schematic economy of species, by virtue of "foedera naturae": they govern their continuity and guarantee over time. Given the absence of texts of Epicurus which invested in an organic way the domain of biology and zoology, actually any attempt to assess Lucretius’ adherence, complete or relative, to the positions of "Magister" produces a net loss of sense and a strong frustration in the player. Surrounded by many psychagogic expedients, people to whom the "De Rerum Natura" is dedicated surrender in front of the force of the arguments put in to break down any theoretical resistance, every prejudice, every paralogism concerning "ficta portenta".

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Authors & Contributors
Cavarra, Berenice
Arata, Luigi
Beretta, Marco
Cambiano, Giuseppe
Castaldi, Francesco
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
Peter Lang
SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo
Biblioteca di testi e studi
Pavia University Press
Natural philosophy
Natural history
Poetry and poetics
Democritos of Abdera
Asclepiades of Bithynia
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
Alexandria (Egypt)
Rome (Italy)
Mediterranean region

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