Book ID: CBB926539601

A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence (2021)


John Zerilli (Author)

MIT Press
Publication date: 2021
Language: English

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 232

Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has generated a staggering amount of hype in the past several years. Is it the game-changer it's been cracked up to be? If so, how is it changing the game? How is it likely to affect us as customers, tenants, aspiring homeowners, students, educators, patients, clients, prison inmates, members of ethnic and sexual minorities, and voters in liberal democracies? Authored by experts in fields ranging from computer science and law to philosophy and cognitive science, this book offers a concise overview of moral, political, legal and economic implications of AI. It covers the basics of AI's latest permutation, machine learning, and considers issues such as transparency, bias, liability, privacy, and regulation. Both business and government have integrated algorithmic decision support systems into their daily operations, and the book explores the implications for our lives as citizens. For example, do we take it on faith that a machine knows best in approving a patient's health insurance claim or a defendant's request for bail? What is the potential for manipulation by targeted political ads? How can the processes behind these technically sophisticated tools ever be transparent? The book discusses such issues as statistical definitions of fairness, legal and moral responsibility, the role of humans in machine learning decision systems, “nudging” algorithms and anonymized data, the effect of automation on the workplace, and AI as both regulatory tool and target.

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Authors & Contributors
Asaro, Peter M.
Bertolaso, Marta
Bowman, Diana M.
Copeland, B. Jack
Evans, James
Johns, Adrian
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
Laboratorio dell'ISPF
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
MIT Press
Alfred A. Knopf
Carocci Editore
Oxford University Press
Artificial intelligence
Technology and society
Human-machine interaction
Technology and ethics
Machine learning
Computers and computing
Barthes, Roland
Turing, Alan Mathison
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
19th century
United States
Great Britain
South Africa
Facebook (firm)

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