Book ID: CBB922722943

Truman's Whistle-Stop Campaign (2008)


Goldzwig, Steven R. (Author)

Texas A&M University Press
Publication date: 2008
Language: English

Publication Date: 2008
Edition Details: Book Series: Library of presidential rhetoric
Physical Details: x + 147 pp., illustrations

Faced with the likely loss of the 1948 presidential elections, Harry S. Truman decided to do what he did best: talk straight. When Truman boarded the train to head west in June 1948, he and his campaign advisors decided to shift from prepared text to extemporaneous stump speeches. The “new Truman” emerged as a feisty, engaged speaker, brimming with ideas on policies and programs important to the common citizen. Steven R. Goldzwig engagingly chronicles the origins of Truman’s “give ‘em hell” image and the honing of his rhetorical delivery during his ostensibly nonpolitical train trip west, which came to be known as his “whistle-stop tour.” At the time, Truman was both applauded and derided by the public, but his speeches delivered at each stop helped win him the presidency. Goldzwig’s detailed look at the background of the campaign, Truman’s preparations and goals, the train trip itself, and the text and tone of the speeches helps us better understand how Truman carried the 1948 election and came to represent the plainspoken “man of the people” who returns from behind to win, against all odds. (Amazon)

Reviewed By

Review Hofsommer, Don L. (Fall-Winter 2008) Review of "Truman's Whistle-Stop Campaign". Railroad History (pp. 91-91). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Reevy, Tony
Graham, Otis L., Jr.
Hofsommer, Don L.
Miller, Char
Rose, Mark H.
White, John H., Jr.
Railroad History
Indiana University Press
Michigan State University Press
University of Nebraska Press
University of North Carolina Press
University Press of Florida
Land transportation
Politics and government
Photography of railroads
Bryan, William Jennings
Hamilton, Alexander
Jefferson, Thomas
Madison, James
Clegg, Charles
Burdakin, John H.
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
18th century
United States
Midwestern states (U.S.)
Seattle (Washington, U.S.)
United States Air Force (USAF)
United States. Farm Security Administration
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad
Office of War Information
Pennsylvania Railroad
Penn Central Transportation Company

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