Jan E. Dizard (Author)
Mary Zeiss Stange (Author)
Hunting has a long history, beginning with our hominid ancestors. The invention of the spear allowed early humans to graduate from scavenging to actual hunting. The famous cave paintings at Lascaux show a meticulous knowledge of animal behavior and anatomy that only a hunter would have. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series traces the evolution of hunting, from Stone Age hunting and gathering to today's regulated sport hunting. Humans have been hunting since we became human—but did hunting make us human? The authors consider and question the “hunting hypothesis of human origins,” noting that according to this theory, “hunting” meant hunting by men. They explore hunting in the Stone Age and how, beginning some ten thousand years ago, the spread of agriculture led to the emergence of empires and attempts by elites to monopolize hunting. They examine the democratization of hunting in the American colonies and how hunters decimated, but then, in the twentieth century, rallied to save game animals from extinction. They describe how some European and postcolonial societies have managed wildlife and hunting, consider the difficulties of living with abundant wildlife—even as many nongame species are disappearing—and trace the implications of the increasing participation of women in hunting for the future of hunting.
Shaun Kingsley Malarney;
Defining the True Hunter: Big Game Hunting, Moral Distinction, and Virtuosity in French Colonial Indochina
Brenda Parlee;
Ken J. Caine;
When the caribou do not come : indigenous knowledge and adaptive management in the western Arctic
Peter S. Alagona;
The Accidental Ecosystem: People and Wildlife in American Cities
Robin M. Sellers;
Stephen Hewitt;
Carlisle Museum's Natural History Record Bureau, 1902–1912: Britain's first local environmental records centre
Hans Olav Bråtå;
(October 2020)
From Local Initiative to National State Process: The Case of Rondane National Park, Norway
Elizabeth A. McNeill;
Speaking of Animals: Animal Psychology between Experimental Science and Imagination (1840-1920)
Boria Sax;
Avian Illuminations: A Cultural History of Birds
Sean Nixon;
Passions for Birds: Science, Sentiment, and Sport
Alexandra Hui;
How to Call a Duck
Crane, Susan;
Animal Encounters: Contacts and Concepts in Medieval Britain
Fountain, Steven M.;
Ranchers' Friend and Farmers' Foe: Reshaping Nature with Beaver Reintroduction in California
John M. Findlay;
Magic Lands: Western Cityscapes and American Culture After 1940
Nivedita Nath;
(April 2021)
Imperial Hunting and the Sublime: Race, Caste, and Aesthetics in the Central Himalayas
Victor S. Kennedy;
Shifting Baselines in the Chesapeake Bay: An Environmental History
Mileson, Stephen;
Parks in Medieval England
Giovanni Cherubini;
La caccia nel Medioevo
Zeffiro Ciuffoletti;
La caccia in età moderna in Toscana: privilegio signorile e conservazione degli habitat
Ingram, Darcy;
Wildlife, Conservation, and Conflict in Quebec, 1840--1914
Newfont, Kathryn;
Blue Ridge Commons: Environmental Activism and Forest History in Western North Carolina
Irwin, Robert;
Canada, Aboriginal Sealing, and the North Pacific Fur Seal Convention
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