Article ID: CBB920698200

Fresh Fruit and Rotten Railroads: Fruit Growers, Populism, and the Future of the New South (2022)


Bryant K. Barnes (Author)

Agricultural History
Volume: 96
Issue: 1-2
Pages: 54-90
Publication date: 2022
Language: English

Georgia fruit growers embodied the intelligent, business-minded mentality about which New South boosters preached. Rather than stubbornly adding to the already glutted cotton markets, these modern farmers diversified. In supplying urban markets with fruit and truck, growers drew the attention of northern capital southward. Queen Peach and her cousins would supplant King Cotton and bring prosperity to the prostrate South. Yet it was with the New South's critics that many growers allied themselves in the 1890s. Despite epitomizing scientific agriculture and virtuous industry, Georgia growers asserted the near impossibility of squeezing profits from fruit. Railroads, they argued, hindered the promised progress and liberation through extortionate freight rates. Consequently, growers became leaders of Georgia's Populist revolt. Their story challenges notions of Populism as backward-looking while revealing the inefficiencies, failures, and precarities of corporate capitalism exemplified by southern railroads. Moreover, it demonstrates the Populists' distinct threat to the rising corporate order.

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Authors & Contributors
Langley, Albert M., Jr.
Ferleger, Louis
Gagnon, Michael J
Grant, H. Roger
Herrington, Philip Mills
Huffard, R. Scott, Jr.
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Journal of Southern History
Social Studies of Science
Cambridge University Press
Union Station Publishing
Johns Hopkins University Press
Louisiana State University Press
Northern Illinois University Press
The New Press
Land transportation
Correspondence and corresponding
Food and foods
Abbot, John
Reed, Walter
Swainson, William
Thomson, John Edgar, ‎ 1808-1874‏
LeRoy Wiley Gresham
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
21st century
18th century
United States
Georgia (U.S.)
Southern states (U.S.)
Georgia and Florida Railroad Co.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company
Georgia Rail Road Company
Southern Railway (U.S.)

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