Article ID: CBB919599806

An Emotional Ecology of Pigeons in Early Modern England and America (2022)


This article explores the feelings English people had about, and with, pigeons in early modern England and America. In so doing, the paper uses the concept of an emotional ecology, an understanding of emotion that is situated in a web of relations with other creatures and things. To do this, the paper outlines the context of everyday interactions with pigeons in England and uses these contexts to explore how rural tenants felt about the pigeons in their midst. Hungry, fecund and gregarious, pigeons cut a divisive figure in the English landscape. Legal sanction and customary practice marked them as privileged while a wide range of other potential agricultural pests were enthusiastically suppressed. We then look at how settler colonists experienced an abundance of American pigeons, particularly the Passenger Pigeon which would be hunted to extinction in the nineteenth century. Together, this story provides an example of how environments, culture and emotions are mutually, if not equally, constitutive.

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Authors & Contributors
Fudge, Erica
Barrow, Mark V., Jr.
Bowerbank, Sylvia Lorraine
Broglio, Ron
Edwards, Peter J.
Jasanoff, Sheila
Environment and History
Environmental History
History and Theory
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies
University of Washington
Berghahn Books
Cornell University Press
Duquesne University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Human-animal relationships
Cross-national comparison
Burton, Robert
Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Malthus, Thomas Robert
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Smith, Adam
Uexküll, Jakob Johann von
Time Periods
Early modern
17th century
19th century
18th century
20th century
16th century
United States
Great Britain
Paris (France)

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