Article ID: CBB915999256

Fit, Fresh, and Frozen: The Rhetorics of Artificial Cold (2021)


This article relies on theoretical work on cryopolitics and feminist rhetorical analyses within science studies to investigate how artificial cold becomes persuasive. This is accomplished by empirically foregrounding the marketing material and online presence of four cryopreservation companies: Quick Cryo and Kryo X (cryotherapy), as well as the Cryonics Institute and Alcor Life Extension (cryonics). Artificial cold is made to appear persuasive by drawing upon metaphors of “frontier,” “superheroes,” and “biohackers,” while metonymically engaging in a relationship between the past and the present as well as between space and time travel. Rhetorically positioned as a “rescue,” “colonizing,” “kinship preservation,” and “time travel” technology, artificial cold is shown in the material to be akin to everyday communication and information technologies. The study testifies to the importance of studying how new technologies such as artificial cold achieve persuasiveness in different settings.

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Authors & Contributors
Berker, Thomas
Fuchs, Michael
Hayden, Cori
Inhorn, Marcia Claire
Peters, John Durham
Prainsack, Barbara
Social Studies of Science
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Science, Technology, and Human Values
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Engineering Studies
History of the Human Sciences
Yale University
University of California, Berkeley
Columbia University
Southern Illinois University Press
Mim Press
Feminist analysis
Rhetorical analysis
Science and technology studies (STS)
Science and politics
Cryogenics; cryonics
Fauci, Anthony S.
Latour, Bruno
Ostrom, Elinor
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
19th century
United States

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