Ernst, Waltraud (Editor)
Thomas Muller (Editor)
The medicalisation of alcohol use has become a prominent discourse that guides policy makers and impacts public perceptions of drinking. This book maps the historical and cultural dimensions of the phenomenon, emphasising medical attitudes to alcohol and the changing perception of consumption in psychiatry and mental health.
Michele Rotunda;
A Drunkard's Defense: Alcohol, Murder, and Medical Jurisprudence in Nineteenth-Century America
Rotunda, Michele;
Savages to the Left of Me, Neurasthenics to the Right, Stuck in the Middle with You: Inebriety and Human Nature in American Society, 1855--1900.
Osborn, Matthew Warner;
Rum Maniacs: Alcoholic Insanity in the Early American Republic
Alex Mold;
‘Everybody Likes a Drink. Nobody Likes a Drunk’. Alcohol, Health Education and the Public in 1970s Britain
Osborn, Matthew Warner;
The Anatomy of Intemperance: Alcohol and the Diseased Imagination inPhiladelphia, 1784--1860
Diana Peschier;
Lost Souls: Women, Religion and Mental Illness in the Victorian Asylum
Santos, Fernando Sergio Dumas dos;
Verani, Ana Carolina;
Alcoolismo e medicina psiquiátrica no Brasil do início do século XX
Metlay, Grischa Jeremy;
Learning from Drunk Monkeys: Expert Approaches to Alcohol and Drug Problems in Modern America
Wood, James Anthony;
(cited 2012)
Natural Guardians of the Race: Heredity, Hygiene, Alcohol, and Degeneration in Scottish Psychiatry, c. 1860--1920
Sheila Dickson;
Rotation therapy for maniacs, melancholics and idiots: theory, practice and perception in European medical and literary case histories
Ankeny, Rachel A.;
Leonelli, Sabina;
Nelson, Nicole C.;
Ramsden, Edmund;
Making Organisms Model Human Behavior: Situated Models in North-American Alcohol Research, since 1950
Goodwin, C. James;
Walter Miles and His Research on Low Dose Alcohol (1914--1924): Shifting The Emphasis from Intoxication to Impairment
Erica O'Neil;
Fetal Risk, Federal Response: How Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Influenced the Adoption of Alcohol Health Warning Labels
Neswald, Elizabeth;
“The Benefits of a Mechanics' Institute and the Blessing of Temperance.” Science and Temperance in 1840s Ireland
Eugenia Tognotti;
Vaccinare i bambini tra obbligo e persuasione: Tre secoli di controversie. Il caso dell'Italia
Enric J. Novella;
Alexandre Brierre De Boismont and the Limits of the Psychopathological Gaze
Philippe Huneman;
From a religious view of madness to religious mania: the Encyclopédie, Pinel, Esquirol
Chavigny, Katherine A.;
“An Army of Reformed Drunkards and Clergymen”: The Medicalization of Habitual Drunkenness, 1857--1910
Kimball, Meredith M.;
From “Anna O.” to Bertha Pappenheim: Transforming Private Pain into Public Action
José Morgado Pereira;
A Psiquiatria em Portugal nas primeiras décadas do século XX: Protagonistas
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