Article ID: CBB906762766

Scientific Medicine in the Time of Cholera: The Johns Hopkins Ethos and US Friendly Power in North China, 1919 (2021)


Abstract Vashti Bartlett, a Johns Hopkins nurse and member of the American Red Cross Commission to Siberia, was part of a global expansion of United States (US) influence before and after World War I. Through close examination of Bartlett’s extensive personal archives and her experiences during a 1919 cholera epidemic in Harbin, North China, we show how an individual could embody a “friendly” or “capillary” form of imperialist US power. Significantly, we identify in Bartlett yet another form that US friendly power could take: scientific medicine. White, wealthy, female, and American, in the context of her international nursing activities Bartlett identified principally as a scientific practitioner trained at Johns Hopkins where she internalized a set of scientific ideals that we associate with a particular “Hopkins ethos.” Her overriding scientific identity rendered her a useful and conscientious agent of US friendship policies in China in 1919.

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Authors & Contributors
Braunschweig, Sabine
Breathnach, Ciara
Grypma, Sonya Joy
Haugeberg, Karissa
Hussey, Kristin D.
Kim, Jeong-Ran
Korean Journal of Medical History
Medical History
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
Gender and History
University of Pennsylvania
Harvard University Press
Rutgers University Press
UBC Press
University of Chicago Press
University of North Carolina Press
Medicine and politics
Nurses and nursing
Public health
Gage, Nina Diadamia
Wolf, Anna Dryden
William Stewart Halsted
Joseph Colt Bloodgood
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
20th century, late
United States
Haiti (Caribbean)
Rockefeller Foundation
Johns Hopkins University

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