Raviola, Blythe Alice (Author)
Floods and other water-related disasters have always conditioned not only the river landscape, but also the relationships between the actors who insisted on a given territory. With this text we intend to offer an example about the juridical practices, the local reactions, the solutions envisaged between the parties in a point of the Po river during the early modern age: that between the provinces of Cremona and Parma, traditionally affected by changes. Attention will focus in particular on a dispute that broke out in 1546 close to the watercourse and the gravelly areas caused by floods between the locality of Sommo, in the Cremonese area, and some properties of the Rangones, subjects of the newborn duchy of Parma and Piacenza . Some initial and concluding considerations will highlight the paradigmatic features of the story, inherent not only to the problem of managing the Po, but also to the determination of political boundaries.
...MoreBook Giuliana Albini; Paolo Grillo; Blythe Alice Raviola (2022) Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna.
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