Montgomery, Catherine (Author)
Hailed as the gold standard, the randomized controlled trial (RCT) occupies a hegemonic position at the top of evidence-based medicine’s hierarchy of knowledge. It is testament to the methodology’s capacity for standardization that it can so readily be spoken of in the singular: the RCT. Under what conditions, then, is it possible to speak of change in the gold standard? Since the 1950s, alternative versions of the RCT have been advocated for under the banner of ‘adaptive design’. Adaptive designs allow investigators to make pre-planned changes to a trial on the basis of accruing information while the experiment is ongoing. Initially a niche topic of methodological debate among biostatisticians, the approach is becoming widespread in mainstream drug development. A genealogical analysis exposes the discursive moves used to justify and popularize adaptation, from a focus on patient well-being and the greater good in the 1960s and 1970s, to efficiency and virtualism in the 1990s and 2000s. Changing discourses of time and patienthood have facilitated a move away from standardization as the singular logic of trials towards an appreciation of flexibility, undergirded by probabilistic methodologies. Adams et al.’s [(2009). Anticipation: Technoscience, life, affect, temporality, Subjectivity, 28, pp. 246–265] conceptual framework of anticipation illuminates this evolving moral economy of medical research, in which modes of knowledge production which claim to know the future are supplanting the traditional certainties of fixed and standardized experimental designs. Predictable uncertainty is the currency of this emerging economy, which capitalizes on computer simulation and ever more sophisticated tools of prediction to leverage credibility.
Willis, Martin;
Waddington, Keir;
Marsden, Richard;
Imaginary Investments: Illness Narratives beyond the Gaze
Sibille Merz;
(July 2021)
Global Trials, Local Bodies: Negotiating Difference and Sameness in Indian For-profit Clinical Trials
Achim Rosemann;
Alter-Standardizing Clinical Trials: The Gold Standard in the Crossfire
Christine Hauskeller;
Nicole Baur;
Jean Harrington;
Standards, Harmonization and Cultural Differences: Examining the Implementation of a European Stem Cell Clinical Trial
Petty, JuLeigh;
Heimer, Carol A.;
Extending the rails: How research reshapes clinics
Balz, Viola;
Die Geburt der Stammkarte. Zur Genese eines Epistems der neuroleptischen Wirksamkeit in der frühen Psychopharmakaforschung in der BRD
Manuela Fernández Pinto;
Doubly disadvantaged: On the recruitment of diverse subjects for clinical trials in Latin America
Clay Davis;
(December 2020)
Homo adhaerens: Risk and adherence in biomedical HIV prevention research
Lucia Craxi;
The Role of Medical Humanities in Prevention and Treatment of Patients with Chronic Diseases
Matteo Galletti;
Spinte gentili e consenso informato. Qual è il “bene” del paziente?
Elisa Mandelli;
Lo sguardo e la performance. Le relazioni tra medico, paziente psichiatrico e spettatore dal cinema medicale al museo multimediale
Davide Orsini;
Mariano Martini;
Museum Paths in Medical Education to Improve Patient Care and Outcomes
Mariano Martini;
Brigo, Francesco;
Davide Orsini;
Medical Humanities & Tuberculosis: Thinking with Stories during Recent Years
Federica E. Micucci;
Construction tools of human being. The medical report
Vincenza Ferrara;
Art as Learning Tools for Medical Education
Andrea Elizabeth Milne;
"A Caring Disease" Nursing and Patient Advocacy on the United States' First AIDS Ward, 1983-1995
Eyler, John M.;
The Fog of Research: Influenza Vaccine Trials during the 1918--19 Pandemic
Arjun Devanesan;
Medical nihilism: The limits of a decontextualised critique of medicine
Fisher, Jill;
Medical Research for Hire: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials
Christopher ChoGlueck;
Still no pill for men? Double standards & demarcating values in biomedical research
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