Savino, Christina (Author)
The text and tradition of Galen’s On how to detect malingerers. A preliminary study (with a specimen of critical edition) · Galen’s Commentary on Epidemics ii was translated into Arabic by Ḥunain ibn Isḥāq during the Middle Ages, then was lost in Greek. Only four small fragments excerpted by Oribasius in the 4th century survived, along with a longer excerpt separately transmitted as a Galen’s treatise, and entitled How to detect malingerers (Quomodo morbum simulantes sint deprehendendi). Witnessed by seven Greek manuscripts, this excerpt was edited by Karl Deichgräber and Fridolf Kudlien in 1960 for the CMG. This article provides a new examination of the manuscript tradition and aims to shed light on the issues of the Greek text through comparing it with the Arabic translation, which has been recently edited by U. Vagelpohl for the CMG Suppl. Or.
Vito Lorusso;
Metodo terapeutico: Libri I-II
Thibault Miguet;
Deux nouveaux témoins fragmentaires du De constitutione artis medicae ad Patrophilum de Galien
Oliver Overwien;
Prolegomena zu einer neuen Edition von Galens De sectis
Ivan Garofalo;
Il proemio della Methodus medendi di Galeno in greco, arabo, latino: Saggio di edizione e commento
Sergio Sconocchia;
Contributi per la seconda edizione di Scribonio Largo
Stèphane Berlier;
Les éditions en grec et en latin du De usu partium de Galien. Synthèse et nouveaux éléments
Anna Maria Ieraci Bio;
Un nuovo frammento greco del commento di Giovanni Alessandrino in Hippocr. Epid. VI nel Vat. gr. 300
Maria Dorella Giangrasso;
Su due glosse del Laurentianus 74.5 al testo della Galène di Andromaco il Vecchio
Vito Lorusso;
Metodo terapeutico: Libri III-IV
Mathias Witt;
Antyllus on the bladder stone in Al-Rzs Kitb Al-W (Rhazes liber continens): A new source for urolithiasis and lithotomy in antiquity
Jacques Jouanna;
L’ecdotique dans la Collection des Universités de France: une nouvelle édition de la Loi d’Hippocrate
Jacques Jouanna;
Alessia Guardasole;
Une épigramme inédite sur Hippocrate jointe au serment dans deux manuscripts: Laurentianus Plut. 74, 13 et Parisinus Gr. 2596
Amneris Roselli;
The Hippocratic treatise On the Physician: form and content
Irene Calà;
Nuovi frammenti di Andrea di Caristo
Antoine Pietrobelli;
Un manuscript perdu de Galien retrouvé à Cracovie
Luigi Orlandi;
Due nuovi frammenti del commento di Galeno a Epidemie VI dal Par. Suppl. gr. 634
Cristina Savino;
Oribasio, coll. med. libri XVI fragm. (CMG VI 1, 2, p. 298, 1-17): un frammento da espungere
Ivan Garofalo;
La traduzione araba dei libri I–VI della methodus medendi
Sara von Seggern;
Vindician als Literat. Untersuchungen zur Epistula ad Valentinianum
Klaus-Dietrich Fischer;
Sergio Sconocchia;
Tradizione diretta e tradizione indiretta nei testi medici
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