Guichard, Luis Arturo (Editor)
García Alonso, Juan Luis (Editor)
Hoz, María Paz de (Editor)
This book is the outcome of the conference «Imperial Alexandria: Interactions between Science, Religion and Literature», held at Salamanca University in October 2011. The conference convened a group of experts from different fields to address the interrelationship between Science, Religion and Literature in the Graeco-Roman world during the Imperial Period, and especially in Alexandria, situating it within the context of the long tradition of knowledge that had been consolidating itself in this city, above all during the Hellenistic era. The encounter’s main aim was to create a forum for interdisciplinary reflection on «the Alexandrian model» of knowledge in the Imperial Period and its background, being attended by philologists and historians specialising in different types of texts (literary, scientific and religious), whose study requires an interdisciplinary approach, with priority being given to the notion of contact and the relationship between these subjects in order to gain a better understanding of the spirit, way of thinking and moral values of a particularly important era in the development of ancient culture.
...MoreReview Fabio Stok (2014) Review of "The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature". Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology (pp. 121-126).
Chapter John Lennart Berggren (2014) Mathematics & Religion in Ancient Greece and Medieval Islam. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 11-34).
Chapter James Evans (2014) Mechanics and Imagination in Ancient Greek Astronomy: Sphairopoiïa as Image and Tool. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 35-72).
Chapter Juan Luis García Alonso (2014) "When I Scan the Circling Spirals of the Stars, No Longer Do I Touch Earth with my Feet". In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 233-244).
Chapter Jane Lucy Lightfoot (2014) Between Literature and Science, Poetry and Prose, Alexandria and Rome: The Case of Dionysius’ "Periegesis of the Known World". In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 157-174).
Chapter Marco Antonio Santamaría (2014) The Song of Orpheus in the "Argonautica" and the Theogonic Library of Apollonius. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 115-140).
Chapter Laura Miguélez-Cavero (2014) Nonnus' Natural Histories: Anything to do with Dionysus?. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 245-286).
Chapter Clelia Martínez Maza (2014) Christian Paideia in Early Imperial Alexandria. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 211-232).
Chapter María Paz de Hoz (2014) Lucian's Podagra, Asclepius and Galen. The Popularisation of Medicine in the Second Century AD. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 175-210).
Chapter Luis Arturo Guichard (2014) Paradox and the Marvellous in Greek Poetry of the Imperial Period. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 141-156).
Chapter Sébastien Moureau (2014) Note on a Passage of the Arabic Translation of Ptolemy’s Planetary Hypotheses. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 93-95).
Chapter Anne Tihon (2014) Alexandrian Astronomy in the 2nd Century AD: Ptolemy and his Times. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 73-92).
Chapter Laurent Bricault (2014) Isis, Sarapis, Cyrus and John: Between Healing Gods and Thaumaturgical Saints. In: The Alexandrian Tradition: Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature (pp. 97-114).
Luis Arturo Guichard;
Paradox and the Marvellous in Greek Poetry of the Imperial Period
Laura Miguélez-Cavero;
Nonnus' Natural Histories: Anything to do with Dionysus?
Marco Antonio Santamaría;
The Song of Orpheus in the "Argonautica" and the Theogonic Library of Apollonius
Clelia Martínez Maza;
Christian Paideia in Early Imperial Alexandria
Juan Luis García Alonso;
"When I Scan the Circling Spirals of the Stars, No Longer Do I Touch Earth with my Feet"
Jane Lucy Lightfoot;
Between Literature and Science, Poetry and Prose, Alexandria and Rome: The Case of Dionysius’ "Periegesis of the Known World"
Anne Tihon;
Alexandrian Astronomy in the 2nd Century AD: Ptolemy and his Times
María Paz de Hoz;
Lucian's Podagra, Asclepius and Galen. The Popularisation of Medicine in the Second Century AD
Laurent Bricault;
Isis, Sarapis, Cyrus and John: Between Healing Gods and Thaumaturgical Saints
John Lennart Berggren;
Mathematics & Religion in Ancient Greece and Medieval Islam
James Evans;
Mechanics and Imagination in Ancient Greek Astronomy: Sphairopoiïa as Image and Tool
Sébastien Moureau;
Note on a Passage of the Arabic Translation of Ptolemy’s Planetary Hypotheses
Graziella Federici Vescovini;
Ahmad Hasnawi;
Circolazione dei saperi nel Mediterraneo: filosofia e scienze (secoli IX-XVII)/Circulation des savoirs autour de la Méditerranée: philosophie et sciences (IXe-XVIIe siècle)
Gianni Micheli;
I principi nelle diverse concezioni della meccanica antica
Luigi Arata;
Lo scienziato Lucrezio nell'interpretazione di Andrade
André Laronde;
Les Ptolémées et la Méditerranée
Silvia Panichi;
La geografia nella "Biblioteca" di Diodoro
Maria Luisa Delvigo;
Servio e la poesia della scienza
Luca Villani;
Paride, Ganimede e la fonte 'etica' del "lucus amoenus"
Stefano Pittaluga;
Natura ed etologia dall'antichità al rinascimento
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