Gil Gambash (Author)
Beatrice Pestarino (Author)
David E. Friesem (Author)
The study of purple dye production in antiquity, though voluminous and elaborate, has neglected several essential aspects in the industry’s chaîne opératoire. This article seeks to point out the biases which have led to the lacunae in relevant research, mostly having to do with excessive focus on specific sites and proximity to the coast. It provides a theoretical framework, and the analysis of two case studies – Ancient Cyprus and the Roman Aegean – and sets directions for future research. By doing so, the article suggests a broader view for the purple dye industry, which allows more room for the transportability of raw materials in the production process, and emphasises regional network solutions.
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Tracking blue. Some remarks on blue colour materials in the polychromy of ancient Greek sculpture
Maria Michela Sassi;
A few remarks on the relationship between materials, technology and colour experience in ancient Greece
Cristina Viano;
Noir alchimique: questions d’étymologie et de transmutation
Matteo Martelli;
Transmuting tinctures. Water of sulphur, quicklime, and ‘washes’ in Graeco-Egyptian alchemy
Lowengard, Sarah;
Colour quality and production: Testing colours in eighteenth-century France
Eduardo A. Escobar;
Colour and cultural maintenance in ancient Babylonia: Contextualizing wool dye recipe BM 62788 + BM 82978
Matteo Martelli;
Medicine in early Graeco-Egyptian alchemical texts (1st-3rd century AD)
Effie Photos-Jones;
Pigments giving more than colour: The case of Lemnian earth or miltos
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Preliminary considerations on the aesthetics and narration of ancient Greek and Roman bronze sculpture. Three case studies and two experiments
Arnaldo Marcone;
L’agricoltura antica: progresso tecnico, sviluppo economico e letteratura scientifica
Fuchs, Robert;
Die Erfindung der Farbherstellung in der Antike: Farbpigmente im Alten Ägypten bis zu den Griechen und Römern (The invention of color production in antiquity: color pigments in ancient Egypt to the Greeks and Romans)
Fabienne Meiers;
Historical Outline and Chromatic Properties of Purpura Rubra Tarentina and Its Potential Identification with Purple Dye Extracted from Bolinus Brandaris
Garrigós i Oltra, Lluís;
Identificación del color reflejado mediante patrones generados por superposición de filtros a principios del siglo XX: el analizador de Kallab
Taco Terpstra;
Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean: Private Order and Public Institutions
Giorgio Dell'Oro;
La leggenda dell'oro bianco. Dai sali artigianali al sale industriale (secc. XV-XIX)
Marco Spallanzani;
I fiorentini e il vetro veneziano (ca. 1450-1550). Fonti
Anja Timmermann;
Indigo. Die Analyse eine ökonomischen Wissensbestandes im 18. Jahrhundert
Alchemy grun, blygel, Aurum musicum: Farbmittelherstellung und -gebrauch zwischen 800 und 1600 (Alchemy green, blygel, Aurum musicum: Color production and use between 800 and 1600)
Farben im 18. Jahrhundert: Praxisfelder und Systemversuche (Colors in the 18th century: Fields of practice and system tests)
Daniela Cavallo;
"Trini colores, candidus primo, mox rubens, maturis niger" (Nat. 15, 97). Alberi, colori, medicina: Suggestioni dai libri 15 e 23 della Naturalis Historia di Plinio il Vecchio
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