Article ID: CBB873514888

From murex to fabric: The Mediterranean purple (2022)


The study of purple dye production in antiquity, though voluminous and elaborate, has neglected several essential aspects in the industry’s chaîne opératoire. This article seeks to point out the biases which have led to the lacunae in relevant research, mostly having to do with excessive focus on specific sites and proximity to the coast. It provides a theoretical framework, and the analysis of two case studies – Ancient Cyprus and the Roman Aegean – and sets directions for future research. By doing so, the article suggests a broader view for the purple dye industry, which allows more room for the transportability of raw materials in the production process, and emphasises regional network solutions.

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Authors & Contributors
Martelli, Matteo
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann
Vinzenz Brinkmann
Fuchs, Robert
Garrigós i Oltra, Lluís
Lowengard, Sarah
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Actes d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica
Journal of Design History
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Carocci Editore
Franz Steiner Verlag
Oxbow Books
Princeton University Press
Dioscorides, Pedanios
Hellot, Jean
Kallab, Ferdinand Victor
Macquer, Pierre Joseph
Pliny the Elder
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
20th century, early
21st century
Bronze age
Rome (Italy)
Venice (Italy)

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