Laura Fogg-Rogers (Author)
Ana Margarida Sardo (Author)
Corra Boushel (Author)
A widespread culture supporting public engagement activities in higher education is desirable but difficult to establish. Drawing on social cognitive theory, this science communication project aimed to enhance culture change in engineering by developing communication skillsets of early-career engineers, particularly supporting female engineers as role models. Engineers received training in storytelling to present at live events, enhanced by peer group social persuasion and vicarious modeling. A science communication coordinator and senior management endorsement removed barriers to participation. Evaluation showed engineers’ self-efficacy levels significantly increased. Qualitative data highlighted a developing culture of engagement but purposive selection of women proved controversial.
...MoreArticle Maarten van der Sanden; William Evans; Susanna Priest (April 2017) Issue Introduction: Broader Societal Impacts of Science Communication. Science Communication (pp. 139-141).
Karen Peterman;
Jane Robertson Evia;
Emily Cloyd;
John C. Besley;
(December 2017)
Assessing Public Engagement Outcomes by the Use of an Outcome Expectations Scale for Scientists
Lynda Walsh;
(October 2015)
The Double-Edged Sword of Popularization: The Role of Science Communication Research in the Comment Shutoff
Ana Margarida Sardo;
Ann Grand;
(April 2016)
Science in Culture: Audiences’ Perspective on Engaging With Science at a Summer Festival
Adam R. Pearson;
Jonathon P. Schuldt;
(December 2015)
Bridging Climate Communication Divides: Beyond the Partisan Gap
Ashley D. Ross;
Rhonda Struminger;
Jeffrey Winking;
Kathryn R. Wedemeyer-Strombel;
(April 2018)
Science as a Public Good: Findings From a Survey of March for Science Participants
Ashley A. Anderson;
Amy B. Becker;
(August 2018)
Not Just Funny After All: Sarcasm as a Catalyst for Public Engagement With Climate Change
Jonathan Mendel;
Hauke Riesch;
(October 2017)
Gadflies Biting Science Communication: Engagement, Tricksters, and Ambivalence Online
John C. Besley;
Anthony Dudo;
Shupei Yuan;
Frank Lawrence;
(October 2018)
Understanding Scientists’ Willingness to Engage
Victoria Y. Martin;
(April 2017)
Citizen Science as a Means for Increasing Public Engagement in Science: Presumption or Possibility?
Kathleen M. Rose;
Kaine Korzekwa;
Dominique Brossard;
Dietram A. Scheufele;
Laura Heisler;
(April 2017)
Engaging the Public at a Science Festival: Findings From a Panel on Human Gene Editing
Ana Margarida Sardo;
Ann Grand;
(April 2016)
Science in Culture: Audiences’ Perspective on Engaging With Science at a Summer Festival
Lotte Krabbenborg;
Henk A. J. Mulder;
(August 2015)
Upstream Public Engagement in Nanotechnology: Constraints and Opportunities
Gabriela Capurro;
Haluk Dag;
Holly Longstaff;
David M. Secko;
(April 2015)
The Role of Media References During Public Deliberation Sessions
Anna E. Carr;
Ann Grand;
Miriam Sullivan;
(December 2017)
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Rita Campos;
Magnólia Araújo;
(December 2017)
Traditional Artistic Expressions in Science Communication in a Globalized World: Contributions From an Exploratory Project Developed in Northeast Brazil
Amy E. Slaton;
Alice L. Pawley;
The Power and Politics of Engineering Education Research Design: Saving the ‘Small N’
Jane L. Lehr;
Co-creating liberal studies in engineering program(s) – a perspective from Ethnic Studies, Women's & Gender Studies, and Science & Technology Studies
Laura Witzling;
Bret Shaw;
Michael S. Amato;
(October 2015)
Incorporating Information Exposure Into a Theory of Planned Behavior Model to Enrich Understanding of Proenvironmental Behavior
Sander van der Linden;
(February 2016)
A Conceptual Critique of the Cultural Cognition Thesis
Karen Mogendorff;
Hedwig te Molder;
Cees van Woerkum;
Bart Gremmen;
(February 2016)
Turning Experts Into Self-Reflexive Speakers: The Problematization of Technical-Scientific Expertise Relative to Alternative Forms of Expertise
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