Laakkonen, Simo (Author)
Otto Tähkäpää (Author)
If we want to understand the historical expansion of environmental awareness among the great public, then we must answer the questions, who communicated what to whom and how? In addition to traditional print media, television also presumably played a significant role in raising environmental issues to public consciousness. And yet, surprisingly enough, unlike with newspapers, empirical data about television is almost completely lacking. We simply do not know when, where, why and how television started to broadcast environmental news. Consequently our case study can be considered an entrée into the qualitative study of the environmental history of television. Our study focuses on Finnish Broadcasting Company and we explore how water pollution and protection issues were introduced on television to the Finnish public as a part of the 'long' emergence of modern environmental awareness prior to the Earth Day in 1970. The data sources consist of written content reports collected from the database of the television archives as well as digitised versions of original programme recordings. Relying on frame analysis, the article explores the glory days of television, a time when television network heads could expect that almost any programming would attract the undivided attention of its audience in all industrialised nations in the world.
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Scientific Broadcasting as a Social Responsibility? John Maynard Smith on Radio and Television in the 1960s and 1970s
Setälä, Vienna;
Väliverronen, Esa;
Public Perception of Evolution and the Rise of Evolutionary Psychology in Finland
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Speaking for the River: Confronting Pollution on the Willamette, 1920s-1970s
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Tyne after Tyne: An Environmental History of a River's Battle for Protection 1529-2015
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1920s: Rádio Sociedade (Society Radio), Tuning Science into Brazilian Homes
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Australian Radio Listeners and Television Viewers: Historical Perspectives
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Watching Women's Liberation, 1970: Feminism's Pivotal Year on the Network News
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Puhakka, Riikka;
Formation of Finland's National Parks as a Political Issue
Catherine Carstairs;
The Environmental Critique of Water Fluoridation
Wohl, Ellen;
A World of Rivers: Environmental Change on Ten of the World's Greatest Rivers
Hoffman, Karen;
Unheeded Science: Taking Precaution out of Toxic Water Pollutants Policy
Daniela Zetti;
Das Programm der elektronischen Vielfalt: Fernsehen als Gemeinplatz in der BRD, 1950-1980
McCarthy, Anna;
The Citizen Machine: Governing by Television in 1950s America
Tyrrell, Ian;
Historians and Publics in the Early Televisual Age: Academics, Film, and the Rise of Television in the 1950s and 1960s
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Seeing by Electricity: The Emergence of Television, 1878-1939
Berkowitz, Edward D;
Mass Appeal: The Formative Age of the Movies, Radio and TV
Downey, Greg;
Constructing Closed-Captioning in the Public Interest: From Minority Media Accessibility to Mainstream Educational Technology
Magoun, Alexander B.;
Television: The Life Story of a Technology
Glaubitz, Gerald;
Die PAL-SECAM-Kontroverse in der DDR: die politisch-ideologische Instrumentalisierung der Farbfernsehfrage durch den ostdeutschen Staat zwischen 1965 und 1969
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