Rand, Harry (Author)
Few now believe the myth that Troy’s defenders succumbed to a booby-trapped wooden horse, which assumes both incredible Trojan stupidity and unlikely Greek confidence in their opponent’s witlessness. Indeed, Homer—who treated both Greeks and Trojans with dignity—barely mentions such a horse; the story of Troy’s downfall by the ruse of a great wooden horse derives from Quintus of Smyrna’s epic in fourteen books, part of the “Posthomerica.” Yet hints of the Great Horse were secreted in the Illiad and a slighted passage indicates that Homer’s listeners understood exactly what he was talking about. Subsequent misunderstanding arose when Homer’s exquisitely concise literary allusion was overlooked. Modern scholars trust that a siege machine, specifically some sort of battering ram, rumbled up to the walls of Troy. We can identify Homer’s own allusion to the horse, its probable function, its builder, and the origins of associating the horse with Poseidon.
Luigi Spina;
Beschreibung einer Belagerung: wenn Worte den Krieg ›sehen‹ lassen
Emmanuel de Crouy-Chanel;
Le canon : Moyen Age Renaissance; (Cannon from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance)
Francesco Fiorucci;
Considerazioni sul trapano in Ateneo Meccanico (rr. 127-136 Gatto = 14, 4-15, 2 Wescher), con riferimenti a Vitruvio 10, 13, 7
Benjamin Folit-Weinberg;
Disappearing into Thick Aēr: The Function of Aēr in homer and Anaximenes
Manuela Revello;
The Sun Of Homer
Sam Thomas;
Genevieve Liveley;
Homer’s Intelligent Machines: AI in Antiquity
Theodossiou, E.;
Manimanis, V. N.;
Mantarakis, P.;
Dimitrijevic, M. S.;
Astronomy and Constellations in the Iliad and Odyssey
Manuela Revello;
Sole, luna ed eclissi in Omero
Balanika, Alexia P.;
Baltas, Christos S.;
Hecamede: Homeric Nurse of the Battle-Wounded in the Trojan War
Chang, Lian;
Articulation and the Origins of Proportion in Archaic and Classical Greece
Russo, Ruth;
The Heart of Steel: A Metallurgical Interpretation of Iron in Homer
Maria Luisa Delvigo;
Servio e la poesia della scienza
Baldini Moscadi, Loretta;
La magia nell'epica latina: Funzionalità e trasgressione (a proposito di Virgilio e Silio Italico, Lucano e Stazio)
Fruyt, Michèle;
La dénomination des sols et des terres en latin: l'apport du lexique à la connaissance des notions géologiques
Saunders, Timothy;
Bucolic Ecology: Virgil's Eclogues and the Environmental Literary Tradition
Silvana Rocca;
"Parcere parto": una "iunctura" virgiliana tra primitivismo e aspetti culturali
Leadbetter, Bill;
The Roman South
Wintjes, Jorit;
(May 2015)
Technology with an Impact: Field Artillery in the Ancient World
Marco Formisano;
Hartmut Böhme;
War in Words: Transformations of War from Antiquity to Clausewitz
Cesare Rossi;
Sergio Savino;
Arcangelo Messina;
Giulio Reina;
Performance of Greek–Roman Artillery
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