Article ID: CBB854591588

A history of CSIRO’s Central Australian Laboratory 2, 1980–2018: Interdisciplinary land research (2022)


In the first 27years of the Central Australian Laboratory (CAL), to 1980, research focussed almost entirely on the needs of the pastoral industry. By the 1980s, ongoing campaigns for Aboriginal land rights and demands to conserve biodiversity plainly showed that there were other land uses deserving research attention. Initially CAL’s research agenda expanded to include conservation in spinifex grasslands and grazing lands but remained biophysical in nature. It subsequently became clear that people’s roles in decision-making about land use and management should be part of research. By the 2000s, scientists were able to build trusting relationships with Aboriginal people and organisations and undertake collaborative studies to improve livelihoods and wellbeing on country. Over the 38years from 1980 to 2018, CAL’s research activities responded to diverse societal expectations but it was not enough to prevent the laboratory’s eventual closure as public investment in rangelands dwindled.

Associated with

Article Margaret H. Friedel; Stephen R. Morton (2022) A history of CSIRO’S Central Australian Laboratory, 1: 1953–80: Pastoral land research. Historical Records of Australian Science (pp. 36-49). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Orchiston, Wayne
Brister, Evelyn Louise
Fahey, Charles
Gaynor, Andrea
Robertson, Peter
Rogers, George E.
Historical Records of Australian Science
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Ethics, Place and Environment
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Oxford University Press
Thames & Hudson
Monash University Publishing
Springer Nature
Ammonite Press
Environmental management
Biological diversity; biodiversity
Indigenous peoples; indigeneity
Radio astronomy
Slatyer, Ralph Owen
Hann, William
McComb, Arthur James
Fraser, Robert Donald Bruce
Anderson, Joan Mary
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
19th century
Sydney (Australia)
British Columbia (Canada)
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
Australian National University
Field Museum of Natural History

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