Chiu, Remi (Author)
Plague, a devastating and recurring affliction throughout the Renaissance, had a major impact on European life. Not only was pestilence a biological problem, but it was also read as a symptom of spiritual degeneracy and it caused widespread social disorder. Assembling a picture of the complex and sometimes contradictory responses to plague from medical, spiritual and civic perspectives, this book uncovers the place of music - whether regarded as an indispensable medicine or a moral poison that exacerbated outbreaks - in the management of the disease. This original musicological approach further reveals how composers responded, in their works, to the discourses and practices surrounding one of the greatest medical crises in the pre-modern age. Addressing topics such as music as therapy, public rituals and performance and music in religion, the volume also provides detailed musical analysis throughout to illustrate how pestilence affected societal attitudes toward music.
Laurence Wuidar;
L'interdetto della conoscenza: segreti celesti e arcani musicali nel Cinquecento e Seicento
Sean Thomas O'Neil;
The Art of Signs: Symbolic Notation and Visual Thinking in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1800
Martha Rampton;
Trafficking with Demons: Magic, Ritual, and Gender from Late Antiquity to 1000
Kostihova, Marcela;
Richard Recast: Renaissance Disability in a Postcommunist Culture
Kerwin, William;
Beyond the Body: The Boundaries of Medicine and English RenaissanceDrama
Essay Review
Cohen, Matt;
“The Indians Told Them That Sickness Would Follow”: A Response to Miraculous Plagues
John Aberth;
Doctoring the Black Death: Medieval Europe's Medical Response to Plague
John Scheid;
Nicoud, Marilyn;
Boisseuil, Didier;
Coste, Joël;
Le thermalisme. Approches historiques et archéologiques d'un phénomène culturel et médical
Heather Wolffram;
Andreas-Holger Maehle;
History of Hypnotism in Europe and the Significance of Place
Matei-Chesnoiu, Monica;
Re-Imagining Western European Geography in English Renaissance Drama
Poska, Allyson M.;
Couchman, Jane;
McIver, Katherine A.;
The Ashgate Research Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
Zhang, Hanmo;
Enchantment, Charming, and the Notion of the Femme Fatalein Early Chinese Historiography
Deutsch, Yaacov;
Religious Rituals and Ethnographic Knowledge: Sixteenth-Century Descriptions of Circumcision
Cho, Philip S.;
Healing and Ritual Imagination in Chinese Medicine: The Multiple Interpretations of Zhuyou
Bourke, Joanna;
The Story of Pain: From Prayer to Painkillers
Nükhet Varlik;
Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World: The Ottoman Experience, 1347-1600
Cohn, Samuel K., Jr.;
The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance Europe
Teodoro Katinis;
Sulle fonti aristoteliche e platoniche del "Consilio contro la pestilentia" di Ficino
Essay Review
Carmichael, Ann;
Plague and More Plagues
Brenno Boccadoro;
La reinvenzione della musica antica nel Rinascimento
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