Sylvio R. Bistafa (Author)
In 1761, Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) published a treatise with the title “Attempt at a Theory of the Friction of Fluids”, in which he assumed that, as is the case for solid friction, fluid friction is proportional to pressure. Several experiments were proposed by Euler to derive a friction factor, which were intended to experimentally confirm his equations. Detailed developments of five different problems of discharge were presented in his treatise, taking into account the loss of head in the conduits. In the Appendix, an example is given of the calculation of the jet heights of a particular fountain, fed with conduits of different cross-sectional areas. Application of the current method for the calculation of head losses in pipes reveals that Euler grossly overestimated the fountain jet heights.
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Bernoullian Influences on Leonhard Euler’s Early Fluid Mechanics
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Euler and the Fountains of Sanssouci
Suay Belenguer, Juan Miguel;
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Villone, Barbara;
Cauchy's Almost Forgotten Lagrangian Formulation of the Euler Equation for 3D Incompressible Flow
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“Continuity and Change”: Representing Mass Conservation in Fluid Mechanics
Gilain, Christian;
Mathématiques mixtes et mathématiques pures chez d'Alembert: le cas des systèmes différentiels linéaires
Calero, Julián Simón;
The Genesis of Fluid Mechanics, 1640--1780
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Alexander Moutchnik;
Entre Ciel et Terre : les fonctions de l’astronomie dans la Russie du 18e siècle
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Ekaterina Denisova;
Elena N. Polyakhova;
Leonhard Euler's Letters to a German Princess: A Milestone in the History of Physics Textbooks and More
Pablo Rodríguez-Vellando;
…and so Euler discovered Differential Equations
Maria Rosaria Enea;
Giovanni Ferraro;
Giovanni Capobianco;
Geometry and Analysis in Euler’s Integral Calculus
Davide Gullotto;
La Repubblica dei Matematici. Storia dell’analisi matematica nell’età di Euler e Leibniz
Roman Sznajder;
On Known and Less Known Relations of Leonhard Euler with Poland / O znanych i mniej znanych relacjach Leonharda Eulera z Polską
Jens Lemanski;
Periods in the Use of Euler-Type Diagrams
Home, Roderick W.;
On two supposed works by Leonhard Euler on electricity
Eberhard Knobloch;
Euler and d’Alembert — Brothers Only in Mind
Sylvio R. Bistafa;
Euler first theory of resonance
Paolo Freguglia;
Mariano Giaquinta;
The Early Period of the Calculus of Variations
Massa Esteve, Maria Rosa;
Congrés Internacional “300 Aniversari Leonhard Euler (1707--2007)”. Barcelona, 20--21 de setembre de 2007
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