Fox, Robin Lane (Author)
Meadows, Andrew (Author)
This paper begins with discussion of the dating of "Epidemics" 1 and 3 and argues for the period ca. 471-467 b.c. for the timespan that they encompass. It then moves on to consideration of the Aeginetan and Attic weight-standards that are specified in a number of Hippocratic texts, and considers their value both for dating and determining the place of composition of layers of the texts in question. It is also suggested that the standards in question are coin-standards, and that the author(s) of these passages envisaged the use of coins in the practical activity of weighing out the substances for which they are specified.
Jacques Jouanna;
Alessia Guardasole;
Une épigramme inédite sur Hippocrate jointe au serment dans deux manuscripts: Laurentianus Plut. 74, 13 et Parisinus Gr. 2596
Amneris Roselli;
The Hippocratic treatise On the Physician: form and content
Pilar Pérez Cañizares;
The aphoristic sentences in the Hippocratic treatise On Affections
Tommaso Raiola;
Sabini medici eiusque discipulorum fragmenta
Franco Giorgianni;
The hallmark of anonymity. Questions of authorship in the Hippocratic Corpus, specifically regarding the so-called ‘Author C’
Maria Börno;
Sean Coughlin;
Galen on bad style (kakozēlía): Hippocratic exegesis in Galen and some predecessors
Laurence Totelin;
Do no harm: Phanostrate’s midwifery practice
Vivian Nutton;
The Epidemics: organising information on communal diseases
Anna Maria Ieraci Bio;
Un nuovo frammento greco del commento di Giovanni Alessandrino in Hippocr. Epid. VI nel Vat. gr. 300
Jacques Jouanna;
L’ecdotique dans la Collection des Universités de France: une nouvelle édition de la Loi d’Hippocrate
Giulia Ecca;
Il Parisinus Suppl. gr. 447 e il Vaticanus gr. 279 testimoni dei Commenti agli Aforismi ippocratici
Taro Mimura;
Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq and the text of the Hippocratic Aphorisms
Vito Lorusso;
Due anecdota galenici nel Parisinus suppl. gr. 634 e appunti sul Parisinus gr. 1849
Mathias Witt;
Antyllus on the bladder stone in Al-Rzs Kitb Al-W (Rhazes liber continens): A new source for urolithiasis and lithotomy in antiquity
Oliver Overwien;
Prolegomena zu einer neuen Edition von Galens De sectis
Ivan Garofalo;
Il proemio della Methodus medendi di Galeno in greco, arabo, latino: Saggio di edizione e commento
Irene Calà;
Nuovi frammenti di Andrea di Caristo
Aimilios Dim. Mavrodis;
Bemerkungen zum Dynameron des Aelius Promotus
Antoine Pietrobelli;
Un manuscript perdu de Galien retrouvé à Cracovie
Maria-Teresa Santamaria Hernandez;
De la vena medeni a los vermes sub cute: transmisión árabo-latina de dos enfermedades cutáneas procedentes de textos médicos antiguos
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