Article ID: CBB836074124

La catapulta / ballista a torsione come sistema meccanico e la riscoperta moderna di conoscenze antiche. Un percorso didattico (2021)


This paper reviews a few educational activities for secondary-school students, designed to raise their historical awareness in the technological sphere. The topics have been rearranged to follow a journey from the individual bow to the catapult / ballista of the third century bc that helps understand the development of the concept of a complex machine – in the sense of a mechanical system intended to exploit some motive power – and reconsider the traditional chronology of the discovery and use of some mechanisms – the issue of the πρῶτος εὑρετής.

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Authors & Contributors
Brancacci, Aldo
Caye, Pierre
Fögen, Thorsten
Irby-Massie, Georgia L.
Marcone, Arnaldo
Nanni, Romano
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Insegna del Giglio
John Wiley & Sons
Verlag C. H. Beck
Techniko Epimeleterio Helladas
Science and art
Roman Empire
Pliny the Elder
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus
Dioscorides, Pedanios
Athenaeus Mechanicus
Time Periods
18th century
3rd century
Bronze age
Tuscany (Italy)
Mediterranean region

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