Francesco Solari (Author)
This paper reviews a few educational activities for secondary-school students, designed to raise their historical awareness in the technological sphere. The topics have been rearranged to follow a journey from the individual bow to the catapult / ballista of the third century bc that helps understand the development of the concept of a complex machine – in the sense of a mechanical system intended to exploit some motive power – and reconsider the traditional chronology of the discovery and use of some mechanisms – the issue of the πρῶτος εὑρετής.
Rihll, Tracey E.;
Francis, C.;
Wright, M.;
The bronze-spring catapult: A case study in the innovation, adaptation and diffusion of technology in ancient Greece
Francesco Fiorucci;
Considerazioni sul trapano in Ateneo Meccanico (rr. 127-136 Gatto = 14, 4-15, 2 Wescher), con riferimenti a Vitruvio 10, 13, 7
Pierre Caye;
Romano Nanni;
Pier Daniele Napolitani;
Scienze e rappresentazioni. Saggi in onore di Pierre Souffrin
Georgia L. Irby-Massie;
A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome
Roberto Farinelli;
Giovanna Santinucci;
I codici minerari nell'Europa preindustriale: archeologia e storia
Agnès Rouveret;
Certamen artis ac naturae. Couleurs et matières dans la définition plinienne de la peinture (Histoire naturelle, livre 35)
Thorsten Fögen;
Wissen, Kommunikation und Selbstdarstellung: Zur Struktur und Charakteristik römischer Fachtexte der frühen Kaiserzeit
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Tracking blue. Some remarks on blue colour materials in the polychromy of ancient Greek sculpture
Maria Michela Sassi;
A few remarks on the relationship between materials, technology and colour experience in ancient Greece
Elisa Romano;
L'architettura e i suoi autori
Aldo Brancacci;
Musica e filosofia nel I libro del "De musica" di Aristide Quintiliano
Stephanos A. Paipetis;
The Unknown Technology in Homer
Emilio Matricciani;
Tullia Norando;
Paola Magnaghi Delfino;
How did Polybius perfect Cleoxenus and Democleitus signalling method, 2200 years ago?
Cristina Viano;
Noir alchimique: questions d’étymologie et de transmutation
Arnaldo Marcone;
L’agricoltura antica: progresso tecnico, sviluppo economico e letteratura scientifica
Carlo Santini;
Come possedere il tempo: tecnica, retorica e strategia dei computi nel mondo greco-romano. Costeggiando un recente saggio
Pietro Janni;
Navi e marineria dell’antichità: quello che sappiamo, quello che ignoriamo
Maria Fernanda Ferrini;
Poeti, filosofi e 'meccanici'. Autori e opere della letteratura greca nelle "Antichità Picene" di Giuseppe Colucci
Effie Photos-Jones;
Pigments giving more than colour: The case of Lemnian earth or miltos
Giovanni Verri;
Hariclia Brecoulaki;
«From the face and the expression of the eyes»: Multidisciplinary studies of pigments in ancient Greek and Roman painted surfaces
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