Cutting, J. (Author)
The philosopher Max Scheler (1874–1928) set out a hierarchical theory of values and emotions in the early twentieth century. This inspired Kurt Schneider to distinguish two sorts of depressive illness, each conforming to a Störung (disorder) in different levels of Scheler’s hierarchy. No other psychopathologist, except Stanghellini, gave the matter much attention. I believe that Scheler’s theory is a rich source of insight into psychopathology, general and neuropsychiatric. I therefore give an account of Scheler’s scheme, review its extant applications (Schneider’s, Stanghellini’s), and present suggestions as to its continuing potential relevance in a wide range of psychopathological conditions.
Cutting, J.;
First Rank Symptoms of Schizophrenia: Their Nature and Origin
Giuseppe Migliorini;
Ermanna Lazzarin;
La schizofrenia nel pensiero di Ferdinando Barison. Profilo storico scientifico di un illustre psichiatra padovano del XX secolo
Guilherme Messas;
Melissa Garcia Tamelini;
John Cutting;
A meta-analysis of the core essence of psychopathological entities: an historical exercise in phenomenological psychiatry
Yoshiaki Motobayashi;
Josef Parnas;
Bin Kimura;
Dylan Luers Toda;
‘The “schizophrenic” in the self-consciousness of schizophrenic patients’, by Mari Nagai (1990)
Stephanie Lloyd;
Alexandre Larivée;
Time, trauma, and the brain: How suicide came to have no significant precipitating event
J. Cutting;
M. Musalek;
The Nature of Delusion: Psychologically Explicable? Psychologically Inexplicable? Philosophically Explicable? Part 2
Wolf Lepenies;
Melancolía y sociedad
Lennart Jansson;
Josef Parnas;
‘The schizophrenic basic mood (self-disorder)’, by Hans W Gruhle (1929)
Jennifer Radden;
Moody Minds Distempered: Essays on Melancholy and Depression
Jonathan Flatley;
Affective Mapping: Melancholia and the Politics of Modernism
Dodman, Thomas W.;
Homesick Epoch: Dying of Nostalgia in Post-Revolutionary France
Janzarik, Werner;
Jaspers, Kurt Schneider and the Heidelberg school of psychiatry. Translated by R. Viviani and G.E. Berrios
Locqueneux, Robert;
Histoire de la physique: (Histoire des idées en physique)
Marina Lienhard;
Ronald D. Laings „radical trip“. Zum Verhältnis von Psychiatrie, Anti-Psychiatrie und Wissenschaft in den 1960er Jahren [Ronald D. Laing’s “Radical Trip”. Reflection on the Relationship Between Psychiatry, Anti-Psychiatry, and Science in the 1960s]
Passione, Roberta;
Psichiatria e condizione umana: Il contributo di Silvano Arieti
Jonathan RT Davidson;
Ralph Albert Blakelock (1847–1919): Psychiatric Hospitalization and the Abduction of an American Landscape Artist
Michael Escamilla;
Bleuler, Jung, and the Creation of the Schizophrenias
Cynthia Carson Bisbee;
Paul Bisbee;
Erika Dyck;
Patrick Farrell;
Psychedelic Prophets: The Letters of Aldous Huxley and Humphry Osmond
Birk Engmann;
On the origins of the concept of ‘latent schizophrenia’ in Russian psychiatry
Collins, Kenneth;
Joseph Schorstein: R. D. Laing's “Rabbi”
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