Trauschweizer, Ingo (Author)
This article addresses American strategy in Berlin at a critical juncture of the Cold War, right after the end of the Berlin blockade and through the upheaval brought on by the outbreak of the Korean War. It considers the role of Maxwell Taylor, army general and US commander in Berlin, in shaping policies on the ground and linking military, political, and economic assets in an effort to improve Berlin’s economy and deterrent value for an extended Cold War.
Palmer, Diego A. Ruiz;
The NATO-Warsaw Pact Competition in the 1970s and 1980s: A Revolution in Military Affairs in the Making or the End of a Strategic Age?
Schipper, Frank;
Changing the face of Europe: European road mobility during the Marshall Plan years
Jonathan Aylen;
Stalinism, autarchy, espionage and Marshall Aid: How US strip mill technology came to Europe
Walter Bruchhausen;
Between Foreign Politics and Humanitarian Neutrality: Medical Emergency Aid by the Two German States before 1970
Mathias Grote;
Anke te Heesen;
Dieter Hoffmann;
Bausteine zu einer Oral History der Wissenschaftsgeschichte Interview mit Dieter Hoffmann (Building blocks for an oral history of the history of science Interview with Dieter Hoffmann)
Reinhild Kreis;
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst. Umnutzen, alltägliches Versorgungshandeln und Innovationsförderung in deutsch- deutscher Perspektive (Potential is in the Eye of the Beholder. Repurposing, Modes of Provision and the Promotion of Innovation in East and West Germany)
Michael Kaasch;
Joachim Kaasch;
Torsten K. D. Himmel;
Biologie in der DDR: Beiträge zur 24. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Greifswald 2015.
Martina Kölbl-Ebert;
Closing the iron curtain: how geologists in Berlin experienced the cold war era
Martin Schmitt;
Banking the Future of Banking: Savings Banks and the Digital Age in East and West Germany
Chaney, Sandra;
Protecting Nature in a Divided Nation: Conservation in the Two Germanys, 1945--1972
Mohr, Barbara A. R.;
Kustatscher, Evelyn;
Hiller, Cornelia;
Böhme, Gottfied;
Hugo Rühle von Lilienstern and His Palaeobotanical Collection: An East--West German Story
Walter Bruchhausen;
Iris Borowy;
Primary Health Care and Foreign Aid: A Tale of Two Germanys
Maddrell, Paul;
Spying on Science: Western Intelligence in Divided Germany 1945--1961
Schröter, Harm G.;
Strategic R&D as an Answer to the Oil Crisis: West and East German Investment in Coal Refinement and the Chemical Industries, 1970-1990
Karlsch, Rainer;
Das Milliardengeschäft der Hoechst AG mit der DDR-Chemieindustrie von 1976. (The billion dollar deal between Hoechst and the chemical industry in the GDR in 1976.)
Astrid M. Eckert;
West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, economy, and culture in the borderlands
Matthias Schulz;
Der Quellenwert von Karten für linguistische Analysen. Das Beispiel der Kolonialtoponomastik
Steiner, André;
Ostgeschäfte: Westliche Unternehmen in der DDR. (Eastern Bloc business: Western firms in the GDR.)
Lohmeier, Jens;
Gross, Dominik;
Der Diskurs über die rechtliche Regelung der Organtransplantation in West- und Ostdeutschland (1960--1989): Eine vergleichende Studie
Unger, Corinna R.;
Ostforschung in Westdeutschland. Die Erforschung des europäischen Ostens und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1945--1975
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