Con Diaz, Gerardo (Author)
This article is a case study in the history of software copyright in the United States from 1974 to 1978. It focuses on the work of a group called the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works. CONTU, as this group was known, faced the problem of choosing which ontology of software—by which I mean a conception of the nature of software as an invention—should serve as the conceptual underpinning for the law of software copyright. In particular, the commissioners needed to decide whether computer programs are texts, machines, means to communicate with machines, or many of these things at once. CONTU’s history shows how the discursive emergence of software as a new technology has been shaped by the convergence of commercial interests, the transmission of technical knowledge to lay audiences, and idiosyncratic views on the nature of information technology and human creativity.
Samuelson, Pamela;
The Strange Odyssey of Software Interfaces as Intellectual Property
Mirowski, Alexander;
At the Electronic Crossroads Once Again: The Myth of the Modern Computer Utility in the United States
Yi, Doogab;
Who Owns What? Private Ownership and the Public Interest in Recombinant DNA Technology in the 1970s
Joseph Coppola;
The Commodification of Dr. King, or What Intellectual Property Rights Did to Civil Rights
Lessig, Lawrence;
Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity
Brad Sherman;
Intangible Machines: Patent Protection for Software in the United States
Con Díaz Gerardo;
Software Rights: How Patent Law Transformed Software Development in America
Jones, Steve;
Rights, copyrights, and technology: Tradition, trends, and trouble
Nicholas Paul Sheppard;
(March 2020)
Can Smart Contracts Learn from Digital Rights Management?
Con Diaz, Gerardo;
Scientology Online: Copyright Infringement and the Legal Construction of the Internet
Biagioli, Mario;
Jaszi, Peter;
Woodmansee, Martha;
Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective
Dommann, Monika;
Autoren und Apparate: die Geschichte des Copyrights im Medienwandel
Hickey, Ann M.;
Davis, Alan M.;
Kaiser, Denali;
Requirements Elicitation Techniques: Analyzing the Gap between Technology Availability and Technology Use
Bultema, Patrick;
Notes from the Field: Requirement Elicitation
Gerardo Con Diaz;
Intangible Inventions: A History of Software Patenting in the United States, 1945-1985
Nyman, Linus;
Laakso, Mikael;
Anecdote: Notes on the History of Fork and Join
Kneuper, Ralf;
Sixty Years of Software Development Life Cycle Models
Yost, Jeffrey R.;
The March of IDES: Early History of Intrusion-Detection Expert Systems
Aspray, William F.;
Cortada, James W.;
Before It Was a Giant: The Early History of Symantec, 1982-1999
Mote, C. D.;
(Winter 2020)
Ruth Davis, Tech Pioneer
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