Maehle, Andreas-Holger (Author)
In the late nineteenth century, German-speaking physicians and psychiatrists intensely debated the benefits and risks of treatment by hypnotic suggestion. While practitioners of the method sought to provide convincing evidence for its therapeutic efficacy in many medical conditions, especially nervous disorders, critics pointed to dangerous side effects, including the triggering of hysterical attacks or deterioration of nervous symptoms. Other critics claimed that patients merely simulated hypnotic phenomena in order to appease their therapist. A widespread concern was the potential for abuses of hypnosis, either by giving criminal suggestions or in the form of sexual assaults on hypnotized patients. Official inquiries by the Prussian Minister for Religious, Educational and Medical Affairs in 1902 and 1906 indicated that relatively few doctors practised hypnotherapy, whereas the method was increasingly used by lay healers. Although the Ministry found no evidence for serious harm caused by hypnotic treatments, whether performed by doctors or by lay healers, many German doctors seem to have regarded hypnotic suggestion therapy as a problematic method and abstained from using it.
Heather Wolffram;
Andreas-Holger Maehle;
History of Hypnotism in Europe and the Significance of Place
Andriopoloulos, Stefan;
Possessed: Hypnotic Crimes, Corporate Fiction, and the Invention of Cinema
Schott, Heinz;
Imagination---Einbildungskraft---Suggestion: Zur Scharlatanerie in der neuzeitlichen Medizin
Kennaway, James;
Musical Hypnosis: Sound and Selfhood from Mesmerism to Brainwashing
Montiel, Luis;
Daemoniaca: Curación mágica, posesión y profecía en el marco delmagnetismo animal romántico
William Hughes;
That Devil's Trick: Hypnotism and the Victorian Popular Imagination
Andrea Graus;
Hypnosis Lessons by Stage Magnetizers: Medical and Lay Hypnotists in Spain
Kaat Wils;
From Transnational to Regional Magnetic Fevers: The Making of a Law on Hypnotism in Late Nineteenth-Century Belgium
Carlos S Alvarado;
Jules Bernard Luys on magnetic pathology
Schott, Heinz;
Imagination -- Einbildungskraft -- Suggestion: Zur “Scharlatanerie” in der neuzeitlichen Medizin
Lamont, Peter;
Reflexivity, the Role of History, and the Case of Mesmerism in Early Victorian Britain
Yu-Chuan Wu;
Hypnosis, psychoanalysis, and Morita therapy: The evolution of Kokyō Nakamura’s psychotherapeutic theories and practices
Maehle, Andreas-Holger;
The Powers of Suggestion: Albert Moll and the Debate on Hypnosis
Graus, Andrea;
Hypnosis in Spain (1888--1905): from Spectacle to Medical Treatment of Mediumship
Jan Nisbet;
Pain and Shock in America: Politics, Advocacy, and the Controversial Treatment of People with Disabilities
John K. Crellin;
What Did Doctors Really Do? The Prescriptions and Therapeutics of Dr. Cluny Macpherson, early 1900s to 1950s
Smith, Matthew;
A Pre-peanut History of Food Allergy
Andrick, John M.;
Deslartean Hypnosis for Girls' Bodies and Minds: Annie Payson Call and the Lasell Seminary Nerve
Ledebur, Sophie;
Ein Blick in die Tiefe der Seele: Hypnose im Kultur- und Lehrfilm (1920--1936)
Wolffram, Heather;
The Stepchildren of Science: Psychical Research and Parapsychology in Germany, c. 1870--1939
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