Heath, Michael (Author)
Cooper, Max (Author)
This paper examines the berserker, a frenzied warrior attested to in both the written and material sources of medieval Scandinavia, and elucidates the characteristics that define him. It critiques explanations for the phenomenon offered in the existing historiography and whether this can be explained as a psychiatric diagnosis. It concludes that the berserker cannot be simply defined as a culturally bound or other psychiatric syndrome, or accounted for by psychogenic drugs alone. Instead, it proposes that berserk frenzy constituted a transitory dissociative state shared among a small warband steeped in religious/spiritual ideology. In entering this state, the psyche of the berserker was reconstituted in an almost archetypal pattern. Further research is required into this phenomenon in other contexts, including modern conflicts.
Pavlos Ntafoulis;
A war psychiatry approach to warfare in the Middle Byzantine period
Waller, John C.;
In a Spin: The Mysterious Dancing Epidemic of 1518
Kraemer, Sebastian;
“The Dangers of This Atmosphere”: A Quaker Connection in the Tavistock Clinic's Development
Ivan Crozier;
Introduction: Pow Meng Yap and the culture-bound syndromes
Tingwei Fan;
Qing Hu;
Ming Liu;
Psychiatric wards of Soochow Elizabeth Blake Hospital (1898–1937): a missing piece in the history of modern Chinese psychiatry
Houston, R. A.;
A Latent Historiography? The Case of Psychiatry in Britain, 1500--1820
Reut Harari;
Between trust and violence: Medical encounters under Japanese military occupation during the War in China (1937–1945)
Alejandro Quintero Mächler;
Bleeding Nations: Blood Discourses and the Interpretation of Violence in Mid-Nineteenth Century Spanish America (1838-1870)
P. K. Yasser Arafath;
Saints, Serpents, and Terrifying Goddesses: Fertility Culture on the Malabar Coast (c. 1500–1800)
Renato Berti;
A Contribution to Better Understand the Therapeutic Incubatory Rituals Within the Greek Antiquity
Kressing, Frank;
Schamanismus als medizinische Prävention? Ein Fallbeispiel aus Ladakh (Nordwest-Indien)
Triplett, Katja;
For Mothers and Sisters: Care of the Reproductive Female Body in the Medico-Ritual World of Early and Medieval Japan
Franca C. Papparella;
La storia della medicina attraverso la lettura degli ex voto anatomorfi
Rebecca Flemming;
Anatomical Votives: Popular Medicine in Republican Italy?
Deutsch, Yaacov;
Religious Rituals and Ethnographic Knowledge: Sixteenth-Century Descriptions of Circumcision
Cho, Philip S.;
Healing and Ritual Imagination in Chinese Medicine: The Multiple Interpretations of Zhuyou
Justin Stearns;
Medicine, God, and the Unseen in Eleventh/Seventeenth-Century Morocco
Hissei Imai;
Yusuke Ogawa;
Kiyohito Okumiya;
Kozo Matsubayashi;
Amok: a mirror of time and people. A historical review of literature
Kenneth MacLeish;
On ‘Moral Injury’: Psychic Fringes and War Violence
Chiara Tesi;
Mario Picozzi;
Five autopsy reports of rib fractures in the mental hospital of Reggio Emilia (1874–5): pathogenesis proposal in defence of the ‘non-restraint’ system
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