Book ID: CBB815822228

Dante e la botanica della selva oscura. Piante arboree nella Commedia (2022)


Angelo Manitta (Author)

Il Convivio Editore
Publication date: 2022
Language: Italian

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 408 pp.

Prendendo le mosse dalla “selva oscura” e proseguendo nell’analisi di altre tipologie di selve proposte da Dante, il saggio evidenzia la sensibilità e il profondo rispetto del Poeta fiorentino per la natura nell’ambito di una ideale selva che si fa punto focale della sua teoria botanica. In particolare viene posto l’accento sul contesto letterario, storico e “scientifico” di piante boschive come la quercia, il cerro, il pino, l’abete, il tiglio, il leccio, il salice, il platano, l’acero, il sicomoro e tante altre, che si sarebbero potute incontrare in essa, senza tralasciare il sottobosco con l’erba e il prato, il giardino e l’orto, strettamente legati ad una ipotetica idea “ecologica”. [Abstract translated by This is the abstract in English… Taking the "dark forest" as its starting point and going on to analyze other types of woodlands proposed by Dante, the essay highlights the Florentine Poet's sensitivity and deep respect for nature in the context of an ideal forest that becomes the focal point of his botanical theory. In particular, emphasis is placed on the literary, historical and "scientific" context of woodland plants such as oak, turkey oak, pine, fir, linden, holm oak, willow, sycamore, maple and many others, which could have been encountered in it, without neglecting the undergrowth with grass and meadow, garden and kitchen garden, closely related to a hypothetical "ecological" idea.]

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Authors & Contributors
Barsella, Susanna
Casagrande, Carla
Clare, John
Falzone, Paolo
Gallarino, Marco
Gilson, Simon A.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Journal of Literature and Science
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
Walter de Gruyter
Bodleian Library
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
Edwin Mellen Press
Science and literature
Poetry and poetics
Science and religion
Alighieri, Dante
Albertus Magnus
Abélard, Pierre
Clare, John
Kepler, Johannes
Oresme, Nicole
Time Periods
14th century
13th century
18th century
17th century
Bavaria (Germany)
Padua (Italy)

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